Book: Reflection on the Important Things

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dankasikorska - all messages by user

10/2/2023 2:32:26 PM
Epilogue Hi there! My friend and I are going to publish a poetry book together. We want to publish poems in Polish, which is our native language, as well as in Spanish (hers) and English (mine). We asked our befriended poets for an epilogue for the Polish part, she will receive the epilogue for Spanish poems from her tutors, and I realized I have no one to ask for the epilogue for my English poems. Therefore, I was wondering if any of you would be so kind to read them (I selected some) and write a few words. Or perhaps you could recommend who I can turn to with this query? Thank you in advance for any replies
10/22/2023 1:00:32 PM
Can you give me your thoughts on this For me, all archaisms in poetry are pointless. Don't get me wrong, I've been there, I've tried it (in my native language), but they just don't fit. We do not speak like that anymore, so unless the poem is entirely written in such style on purpose, I don't think we need them There are so many contemporary words (or words we can invent/introduce to the language) that we do not need to dig in the past that deep
11/14/2023 2:49:48 PM
1st BOOK PUBLISHED! Congratulations! I hope this is the first of many to come
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