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KLPina - all messages by user

11/15/2013 12:59:40 PM
Poem: Sleep Well. Sleep well,
For I know the days of stone never gave you much.
And all the Shepherd boys,
All their treasures of gold,
It never amounted to what you could unfold.

Sleep well,
As the sun rises and the moon sets,
So does your heart with no beats,
Just burdens nestled on old pelts and nests.
I admire it and envy it
For I too wish to know how a beat-less heart feels,
Like a flow-less river,
It stays, and does not go.

Sleep well,
For I never sleep as my only friend is the City in which I live in,
All towering monuments of something I don’t know,
Brick and mortar mixed with sweat and tears
Of those who wasted all their years in here.
I too have shared these years,
These tears are not my own,
It was hers and his,
It was something I don’t know.
You lived here once,
We shared a Hallway until Thursday afternoon.

Sleep well,
The road is wind-less as it is it's roads,
A narrow path like an arrow shot from a bow made of Gold,
As dawn begins anew,
So shall you,
Sleep well.
2/1/2014 4:49:15 PM
Enoch Dreams “Exile on Main Street”
Is what we’ll call it.
It hurts to say
But I want you to stay,
They took our city,
Your dreams,
And my Enoch dreams as well.
Alone we stand and
Together we’ll fall apart,
Like my Enoch dreams.
The rivers run red
And our hearts run blue,
The city….
They took the cities too.
Its Enoch dreams.
They asked me
“Who are you?”
But they don’t care;
So we’ll dance all night,
Dance ‘till day,
Like in our Enoch dreams.
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