Book: Reflection on the Important Things

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cindicandyM - all messages by user

8/22/2013 10:32:40 AM
lost in pain Its a silenced heart
grieving in sight
looking at hershe's just a child

cheated out of her own rights
her mind goes blind
for the bruises on her back
are a mark of art

so painful she strives
for her pitful life
so sadly she crys
all day night

with no food to eat
she roams around the streets
seeking for some shelter and peace

lost in pain,is she with a open wound
in her heart and a memory to last
lost in pain,is he with a scar on his face
a memory never shared

''oh how my heart drawns
when i hear the crys
of those broken sounds''

''oh how my heart bleeds
when i hear the stories
of those in need''

''mother can you here me?
i'm out here can't you see''...
''mother don't denie me for i don't have a father...
...iam more,more than that you think of

i maybe nothing today...
for tommorow will come in different way
''mother im your child''
hear the sounds of my tears at noon
feel my pains through the moon

so in doom i wont cry no more
for my heart is in the stars of your eyes.
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