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DARK ANGEL - all messages by user

4/12/2020 4:16:22 PM
Critique My Poem "Psychosis" Psychosis

Psychosis Psychosis
I can see your face in the dark
I can see you no longer love this world
Are you going to take me to a trip
I haven’t yet told her of my love
Will you let me write her a letter
Telling her how she meant the world
Just one last day I will come on the next one

Psychosis Psychosis
This is not at all what we planned
I thought we agreed I live till death do us part
I know I never set the date is it this far
Will I be happy when we walk with the stars
Why did I have to carry this curse
Just one last day I will come on the next one

Psychosis Psychosis
Are you jealous of all this stuff
This connections with spiritus and son
Do I at least get to reap the rewards
Or is the Ogre going to beat me to a pulp
Is death where I can finally find myself
I went there last I was really afraid of the dark
Are the monsters scared of me
Just one last day I will come on the next one

Psychosis Psychosis
I have seen myself in the casket with glass
I have to say my suit was really dapper
I was smiling ?Did I win it was I free at last
Did I fight a good fight Did I save them from the master
Or was my life my life just a blur
Just one last day I will come on the next one

Psychosis Psychosis
I have to ask
Do they have music In the other world
Will I finally learn to dance
Will I dance With my brothers
Who the government shot at work
What about my daughter is she fine
Did she find another dad
Did she know How much I hurt
Just one last day I will come on the next one

Psychosis Psychosis
Is it strange that the tears are a flood
They are people who love me In this world
Will their tears be rain where We are
To mask my face so that my brothers won’t know I am sad
And that I really loved
That I really laughed
And at the end
3/21/2023 1:17:51 AM
Happy Poetry Day 21st March is World Poetry Day

I changed from someone who wrote poems to saying I am a poet in 2015.

It provided me with an opportunity to share my lens, my experiences and myself with you. It has been my very public therapy, It has been my freedom, It has been an identity.

It is how I express all my beauty, all my genius and all the complexity that comes from being.

Thank you for all the love, the kindness and understanding so far.

Happy World Poetry Day!!!

You could share your journey on this thread as we celebrate the day.
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