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constance_ - all messages by user

5/6/2010 3:48:41 PM
Pet Peeve If anyone, ever sees a spelling or grammar error in my poetry or has an idea how to improve my poem, I would really appreciate hearing about it. But of course, the point must be made in a construction manner. To me this is a learning process. For example, someone suggested to me recently, that I am using "!" too much in my poems, that I should drop the "I's" and my poetry will flow better, trying to do that, and it is very true, the flow is better..
5/7/2010 6:45:08 AM
Entering Contest Competitions I like to enter and sponsor contests for the learning experience. When I place, in the contest, I am very pleased, but the true reward is in creating something beautiful for self, and to share. I have seen myself, growing as a poet, because of this site and its wonderful members. And I truly appreciate the challenge of the contests, making us try perhaps a form, we would never have thought we could master.
5/8/2010 3:55:49 PM
Is there life on Mars? Well, of course, there is life on Mars. I myself, am from Venus, but my partner is from Mars, we have been sent to investigate poetry on Earth..... think I'm joking... are you sure????
5/9/2010 6:43:51 PM
Poll Question: Featured Poetic Forms... Yes, I think featuring a certain, form of poetry weekly, would be a good learning experience for everyone on the site.
5/15/2010 8:07:24 AM
Character limit I agree, recently, I posted a Sestina, which is a very long form, and I had to keep editing it so it would fit the 2500 word limit.. If you are going to allow long forms, we should have the space available to write it, properly. Of course, there has to be some limitations, or some would write forever..
5/15/2010 8:13:04 AM
Hello need a little help The best way to receive comments, is to give comments, make yourself part of the community. Do not just depend on posting and being viewed, there are just too many poems posted daily, Yours will just get lost in the soup, within hours. Sad but true. Entering contests is another good way of getting exposure. For example, I presently have a contest, called Breathtaking Love, in progress, you could enter something, but be fast, only 5 spaces left.. Whaaaaa?
3/7/2011 6:29:25 PM
Hello! Welcome to the soup, I am sure you will find it an amazing journey, your poetry will improve, you will make many poet friends, enter poems galore, enter contests, enjoy the blogs, become part of the family and don't forget to comment on other poets~~
5/19/2011 6:31:21 PM
Have fun and keep PoetrySoup a haven. I think the Poetry Soup is great and is growing better all the time. But my question to you Team Soup is this, you have a list of rules and regultions, yet when poets break those rules, you let them remain on the soup, to just do it again and again, I am talking about hate blogs and hate poems and comments, why are you allowing this to continue, you say Be Kind and Keep Poetrysoup a haven~~
5/29/2011 8:52:24 AM
Exposure keeps you writing! If you comment on other poets, it will bring them to your poetry, your poetry will get read, otherwise, you write and your poetry is lost in the maze of poems, lost in poetry cyber space, so comment when you can, I know it takes time, but you will see the results~~
1/7/2016 11:57:31 AM
N/A in contests soup mail the sponsor and ask them why, most will tell you the reason..
1/7/2016 12:05:41 PM
About my Poems Rainbow, you need to really check when posting a poem that you click on the correct form, check, check, check, it moves sometimes, and of course the wrong form entered in a contest will result in NA
5/16/2018 10:42:51 AM
Greetings From Mich I will talk to you about how to enter a contest and win...

First, find a contest you are interested in from the list of contests available

Click on the contest title and READ the contest description from top to bottom, each one is different and you must follow the rules, perhaps write them down.

contact the contest sponsor by soup mail if you are unsure of what is wanted

write your poem, post it, then go back to the contest and press enter,

find your poem on the list of poems that will come up and press enter when the one you want scrolls by. Then, you wait... to see if you place. Enter, enter contests, that is how you will learn new forms, and ways of writing. Hope this helps
5/16/2018 10:45:50 AM
Greetings From Mich To get people to read your poems it is really simple..

you must read other poets poetry, the more you read and comment the more comments you will receive. Hope this helps
5/16/2018 10:48:04 AM
My Lilacs A very pretty poem... just to let you know there is a small typo on the first line of the second verse, you missed a space
5/16/2018 10:58:42 AM
no form these can be entered as Free Verse --which can rhyme or not, free verse is just a rambling poem of thoughts, you can write one long rambling thing or divide it in verses, no need to be the same line length, for example one could be 3 lines, the next 5, the next 10 etc etc. I like my free verse with fragmented line lengths of short and long, or open end thoughts... throw in a few metaphors, can have punctuation or not. When entering a contest just make sure free verse can be used, many will specify Free Verse or say Any Form, you have to read the contest description to find out. Hope this helps. I do not claim to be an expert of free verse,( or any form,) this is just my opinion and I have won many a free verse contest on this site using this method.
edited by constance_ on 5/16/2018
edited by constance_ on 5/16/2018
5/21/2018 11:35:14 PM
Bula Vinaka soupers That's exactly how I started writing as a little girl, my grandma gave me a journal and pen and told me to write down my sadness, so I did and those words became poems in time. Poetry Soup is a great place to learn forms of poetry and to get inspiration from reading poems and from entering contest. I hope you enjoy the journey.
5/21/2018 11:39:29 PM
Greetings Soupers I used to think the same way, but since learning forms I find that I enjoy the skill involved of putting emotion into a strict guide line... I think of them as putting a puzzle together, this is the skill of a writer. When I want freedom, I do a free verse. poem. There are many forms that are not that restrictive.
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