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Fosterthepeople - all messages by user

12/21/2011 5:09:18 PM
Hey People! :D Heyyy Forum my name is Fosterthepeople ^_^ great band xD. anyway i'm new here and i just thought i'd say hi since i'm going to posting a ton of my work on this site. My main inspiration for my work is usually from Walt Whitman who is one of my favorite poets by far. Im always open to new work to read and I'm always writeing new work so check out my stuff and I promise to check yours Big Grin My work seems to range in moods and style but, lately i've been doing song lyrics and free-verse. So yea that's about all i can say, peace!

12/21/2011 5:16:06 PM
New to Poetry Soup Cool to see a Lyricist/Composer ^_^ Much respect Big GrinD and now i gotta read that poem lol xD
12/21/2011 6:36:48 PM
Daybreak. It's been a beautiful mourning
as the sunrise hits the rooftops
and my endless dysphoria
leaves my body in a rush of cool wind
that escapes our beloved river
the warm air makes me quiver
so please
Mother earth
Never leave
and hold me close
and remind me
that life is a fragile rose
Father time
Wake me with a chime
of blissful future
and guide me
toward the enlightenment
that lays on the horizon

It's been a day of bliss
one that I'll always miss
but I've learned to forgive
and forget the broken past
I now want to live
I want this day to last
and as i open
my awakening third eye
and look toward the flawless sky
and I await to find home
without neon distractions
and demeaning attractions
a sanctuary not of religions path
but, of enlightenment
and impartiality
There will be no corrupted parliament
just carefulness
a perfect world is a world never seen
So as i roam
to find a place I can call home
I'll be forever grateful
that i can have the ability
to say that i am truly alive
for the ship of madness has sank
into the sea
and there's only you
and me
So let's find what it means
to be
12/22/2011 9:04:16 PM
Words. Words

I am but a man of words
seeking the truth
that I can not find
no one can
I am but a soul
with no direction
that wonders the earth
and is cursed to think
All the masks you wear
and all the lies you hide
will come to an end
the truth will become realized
my third eye bursts through my skin
I shall never win

My blood, my art, my compassion
is not a subject i take lightly.
I am what I say i am.
not what I want to be.
its what I have become from my experiences.
you cant change who you are
you can only free yourself
or forever become trapped.
the war inside myself
will forever become deadlock.
for it is people like you
the people that follow us
that I worry.

my offspring will have to deal
with YOUR offspring
who will learn your ideas of hope and lies
be who you are not
do as I say not as i do
never question authority
must die in the dark hole it was born
for you are the cancer
that slides and jolts through my veins
you ruin the soil i stand on
you forget who you are
you believe you are perfect
but you are nothing
you are a shell
your heart is colder than the empty and macabre space that surrounds you
You do not know what music or artreally is
for you have not created it.
you make noise.
the media won't tell the news most Americans like me want to hear
for you are only worried with yourratings.
I want the truth.
You believe everything that isdifferent is evil
even though the religion you choose calls for you to love all
you believe all men are created equal,except for the gays
even if they love each other more than you love yourself
and you do love yourself still don't you?
or has my words sliced through your ego?
Trust me when i say this I'm not perfect

for I am a man of words
a step closer to the truth
than you could ever dream to be
for i have discovered my happiness
and believe me it's beyond anything wecan ever hope to understand
edited by Fosterthepeople on 12/22/2011
pages: 1

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