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John-Ovan.P.Hull - all messages by user

12/10/2011 8:51:24 AM
Introduction Likewise, I have been writing a little for a while now, this is also my fist poetry website, and all seems to be going well, seems like a nice friendly funny bunch of people on here.
12/10/2011 9:02:59 AM
Unsure about things? What do you think? I like the way I see the world, but im not sure im expressing myself to my full potential, certain bits seem a little elementary? Not sure the syllables match(or if it matters?)

So many tears, I have cried,

since hearing news you had died,

all day long, my cheeks not dried,

to say goodbye, i truly tried.

Now I sense you everywhere,

the wind that courses through my hair,

all around, I know your there,

on rainy days and weather fair.

I gaze upon my favourite star,

and wonder if...that's where you are?

distance between us, seems so far,

wish I had a cosmic car.

Memories of you, I clasp so tight,

cried to sleep, too tired to fight,

broken rest, but that's alright...

for in my dreams we meet each night!
edited by John-Ovan.P.Hull on 12/10/2011
12/19/2011 7:26:28 AM
Where does my soupmail outbound messages appear?? I know how to read and reply to soup mail, but it doesnt seem to keep a record of mail that i send, its nice to re-read what has been sent to make sure I dont go repeating myself all the time!
12/19/2011 7:34:36 AM
Soup Mail I seem to be in the same boat! I have some correspondence through soupmail, it has kept the messages I recieved but doesnt appear to have saved the replies that I sent!
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