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alexis - all messages by user

6/17/2011 4:18:20 PM
Talk me out of it Dylan... life is hard sometimes but don't it drag you down...i have experience as to what you are going through so please don't do it!! There is someone out there for everyone....think of all the ones you would hurt if anything happened to you.
7/2/2011 11:29:17 AM
Please leave honest feedback.Thanks Its got alot of meaning to it and its a really great poem i Think.
7/2/2011 11:31:44 AM
An Angel in Waiting Juanita, I like this poem better than the other one I just read.... but they both are still very good. They both have a very definite depth of meaning in them.
7/2/2011 11:41:27 AM
THANK YOU OMG! I can't believe it is actually happening my poetry is going to be in a book that you can actually buy in a store....I won the semi-finals and off to finals i go. I am so nervous. Thanks to all the people who believed in me and kept me going even when I thought my writting amounted to nothing and I thought it would never go anywhere. YEAH!!!!!!! Thank You to everyone...Cool
7/2/2011 11:47:54 AM
love stinks aneysa, you are hurt over a jackass because you don't know who to trust. I mean your friend won't tell the truth , he won't tell the truth. Aneysa any guy who can hurt you and then act as if he didn't do anything wrong doesn't deserve you, There is that one special guy out there that will treat you right. He will take your breath and make you feel like you are floating on a don't get hung up on one guy cause HE ain't worth it....
edited by alexis on 7/2/2011
pages: 1

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