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smilingpoet47 - all messages by user

6/19/2012 8:00:06 AM
Am I the only one.... I agree, I carry paper and pen with me and often my poems come tumbling out when I visit my husband who is in a nursing home, whether the poems be about him, about creation, spiritual, etc. But I don't concentrate on it. I relax, have a cup of tea and if the line comes, jot it down. I might go months too without a poem, so best answer is just go with the flow. Good luck
6/19/2012 8:11:10 AM
LOVE HURTS I understand perfectly that love hurts - both my father and my husband have Alzheimer's disease: dad in the early stage and my husband in the final stage in a nursing home. But do you know, in a way, its lovely that love does hurt, it shows the intensity of your love because it hurts - I know it sounds barmy, but I'm happy to be grieving for those two marvellous men.
edited by smilingpoet47 on 6/19/2012
pages: 1

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