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Warrior Mom - all messages by user

2/16/2011 10:45:47 AM
Feedback Wanted I am new to the "poetry world" and would like some feedback on my collection. I really enjoy writting. Looking forward to your comments.
edited by Warrior Mom on 2/16/2011
2/16/2011 10:49:36 AM
Mate Mate

Vir and famina partners in time,
Evolving together as surf and sand.
Distinctive styles, views, merits,
They compliment each other.

Lifetime collaborators bound as one,
Enduring life's struggles and accomplishments.
Withstanding the face of difficulties and difference,
Learning, loving, together.

Recognizably exceptional as snowflakes,
Mars and Venus embrace their universe as partners.
They may not see eye to eye,
Yet walk strongly and united hand in hand.
2/20/2011 11:59:28 AM
Snowflake Snowflake

Unique, Vulnerable
Isolated Within Condition
Exceptional, Innocent, Unparalleled, Perplexing
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