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souldeep1988 - all messages by user

2/17/2011 12:28:12 PM
Warm Welcome Hi, I am Miranda M. Lambert, a lot of people get all jazzed over my name...I am not the country, I am...just me. Well I recently joined the soup and would like to say thanks to every one who has commented on my poetry welcomed me to the soup. I dont get a lot of time to my self but when i do I like to come on here and just let my heart loose. and I've found that there is a lot of encouragement on this site. Some have read my poems already and will find that most are about my dad. While I have been a lover and writer of poetry since highschool a lot of it has performed a crash landing lately once my father passed away, he died on jan. 19th 2011 of a massive heart attack at 47 years old. and so much un finished business!! For a few weeks i felt dead too...My husband would find me in our room completely covered in blankets all balled up in fetal position...literally...then one day i was over at my moms and thinking about seeing a shrink, and we were discussing the different ones available in our area, but I just didnt feel comfortable in my own skin with seeing a shrink. When I got home later that night I was going through an old photo box and buried under all those pictures on the bottom was my old poem book, i opened it up and read a few, back then they were all such adolescent poems, but it was like a sign. i sat down with my pen and that little book and wrote " our protector in the skies" and i felt 100 x better instantly. SO here I am... I am 22 years old, Married to an awsome man named Todd, I have 2 Precious baby boys Logan 3 and Lucas 6 1/2 months, I hope my poems can inspire many and help bring out the most of every ones ability. and than you all for taking the time to read my pieces for they truly are straight from my heart and soul. Keep the comments coming I enjoy getting feedback. If you have any suggestions or request on something you may like to see from me feel free to let me know...Great poetry isn't alway written for oneself but for the enjoyment of others as well!!!
2/22/2011 11:42:20 AM
Hello! Hi, I am fairly new to the soup myself, it is very nice to have found a site where you can share your art of poetry, everyone on here comments graciously to the works that are posted....welcome and i hope you enjoy your membership as much as i do.
2/27/2011 7:46:50 PM
HEY GUYS Hey guys,
sorry i haven't been on in a few husband and I have been moving all weekend and we finally finished today...YAY!!!! i've got a lot more poems brewing up about various topics that have came in to play recently...hope to see some comments when i get them ready and posted...I'm gonna go thru a few new writes of my fellow soupers tonight, I need a

Miranda L.
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