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Monty Newman - all messages by user

11/15/2010 7:19:43 PM
Poetry is the answer What impels us so late at night
to rise up and turn on the light
to sit down and begin to write
a poem if the feeling is right?

For some the answer is simple enough.
but others must crack a nut that is tough.
It’s more than rhyme it's that and bigger stuff.
A finished poem, a diamond no longer rough.

There is much to be said of many things,
of wording it right and the joy it brings,
a quality tone just right when it sings,
when it ends it's as true as it begins.

What impels us so late at night
to rise up and turn on the light
to sit down and begin to write
a poem if the feeling is right?

An un-crafted word, just like a fetter.
Un practiced in words, we are the debtor.
And for proof, view any written letter.
Poems fill a need to say it better.

thanks for the recomendations Reason A. Poteet
edited by Monty Newman on 11/25/2010
11/15/2010 7:24:58 PM
Poetry is the answer It's Monty here, thanks for any and all critiques
12/5/2010 6:25:13 PM
candling the eggs On a beautiful September morning on a little country farm
The young woman’s hand went deftly under the hen into the nest
withdrawing an egg, immediately candling it and returning it to the nest.
This egg is fertile and will hatch to give the farm another laying hen or rooster.
6 firtile eggs returned to their nests and 16 sterial eggs went to the kitchen table.

On a beautiful September morning at a little country school
The new students have just settled down on that exciting first day of school
The first grade teacher Miss Koki spent the morning with each of her new brood
individually at thier desk and as they got to know each other a little better she looked
into the bright shining eyes of each child for that spark of a fertile young mind
These we will keep for a while to become doctors, nurses, teachers…
edited by Monty Newman on 12/13/2010
pages: 1

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