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bwoma - all messages by user

11/13/2010 10:14:44 AM
THE SHELTER you are trying to define poetry by alluding to philosophy, nature and seemingly sociology and the human passions.The form elements such as language marry the structure to produce a poem that can be rated subtle.but i feel that the third last line does not really fit to the overall moving rhythm of the poem; it does not work for me at all, IT spoils the whole poem.the third last line is imposed on the poem because it can be totally ignored and still the meaning of the poem preserved.
edited by bwoma on 11/15/2010
11/19/2010 3:35:25 AM
The Immortal Willow (critique) there is an imagery jam in this poem such that it creates a sense of falseness in expression.the vehement description emloyed does not go down well with the rather sickening use of imagery.but keenly read by an intllectual this is the kind of classic poetry that they like.
edited by bwoma on 11/19/2010
11/19/2010 9:10:23 AM
The Ring I Must say that it sounds a good poem of some identifiable rhythm. but the way the rhyme has been handled spoils even the tone of the poem because the rhyme which to me feel has been imposed impractically creates a mood of some kind of fatal incipient defiance by the poet to bring out the real intentiion of writing this poem.
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