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Mama E - all messages by user

2/5/2022 3:30:17 PM
Introduction Hello everyone! My name is Edna I'm 46 years old and a mother of four wonderful grown children. I'm new to publicly sharing my work, but I want to become a better writer.
2/22/2022 11:10:24 AM
New to Poetry Soup Good luck Jeanette. Been here about a month and I have had less than 10 people give feedback.
3/13/2022 3:23:27 AM
New to Poetry Soup Sorry to say but I have been here for a few months already. I was told if I became a premium member it would help. Bulls..t! My work has been up here and I have had no feedback. This place is a ghost town until someone decides they want to hurt your feelings. I have been trying to use the blog feature and still can not.
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