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bardougma - all messages by user

7/12/2021 10:08:36 AM
Uploading a photo I can't upload a photo for some reason. What and where is the "radio button"? Whom can I contact for a question who might actually ANSWER it?
edited by bardougma on 7/12/2021
7/17/2021 2:31:03 PM
asking administration a question about the site How do you ask administration a question? Do they ever look at these questions about their site and TRY TO ANSWER THEM?
8/13/2021 8:00:21 PM
blogs Is it possible to comment on blogs?
8/15/2021 11:47:28 AM
Critique for poem Please give me feedback on this poem, " Reprise"


Against the depthless blue
Backdrop of the sky
A tracery of bare brown branches
Feathers out above,
Dipped golden by last rays
Of the declining sun.

But wait!
The show’s not over yet,
For as the sun
Makes its final bow,
A grand finale takes the stage.
Splashes and streaks
Of rose and pink,
Purple, and orange
Dance across the horizon,
Higher and wider,
Until the lagoon below’s
No longer blue,
But the palette of heaven
Reflected here on Earth.

When those golden days arrive
Upon our doorstep,
And time creeps slowly
Toward that last horizon,
Our grand finale
Will be the reprise
Of all our life upon this Earth.
So gather your paints.
Splash your canvas with color!
Live! Set the scene for
A glorious exit from this stage.
To grand applause.
3/4/2024 9:15:45 PM
strange idea? Do I really see ads for selling counterfeit money on here? That seems very strange to me.
edited by bardougma on 3/4/2024
pages: 1

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