Book: Shattered Sighs

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Veronica Joseph - all messages by user

6/1/2010 6:14:16 PM
Sad News: Al and Tipper It made me inexplicably sad today to hear that Al and Tipper Gore were separating after 40 years of marriage. I so want to believe in the true heart of marriage, and yet, as Chris Matthews said tonight: no one knows what is in a man (or woman's) true heart - marriage is the most private, most sacred, most creative space in our lives. Feeling pensive and sad.
6/3/2010 8:35:08 AM
Talk me out of it Dylan, suicide is a selfish act. God put you here for a purpose. I know that sounds hollow and empty, but now you need to ask for, receive and act on help. You may need to completely change your cirumsteances, location etc to come to understand why you are here: please please seek some counseling. My prayers are with you.
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