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blamelessvestal - all messages by user

2/7/2021 6:25:13 AM
I would love some feedback on 'Babyliss in Acid'! Hello all,
I am relatively new to this site, though would like to jump in at the deep end with the constructive criticism, let me know what you think! This is a surrealist-imagist poem I wrote in two separate parts a while ago, but have reworked and edited into what I think is a good final outcome, capturing the theme of psychedelic confusion I aim to portray. Do your worst!

Babyliss in Acid

You are a hole in my head;
when I look inside, I see a dentist's drill grinding
sweetly against my hippocampus
and it must have hit a tear duct
by accident because when I wake,
it has been raining.

I douse myself in Argan oil and
set myself on fire with my hair straightener
(12) ordinal, interval. I have not slept —
That night (13) I dream of, at last! A letter from you.
But when I wake I do not check the post;
I turn on the oven, and
logic eats the half-consciousness of your
handwriting (14?)

I wake from a reverie; it is babyhood
and it is morning and I
sweat under the covers,
learning everything in five minutes;
Orlando, Leon, Halleluiah and
people looking like other people
(a man that used to be handsome);

In the bloodshot of a red-eyed pensioner he
dragged me from sleep in upside-
down buses and the
screaming blue walls of the DVLA office;

I fall cyclical into double brackets as I am (15)
reaching out for a glass of water and I am
forever brushing my hair in the face of death.

I sit down in the shower and
wonder if it will get infected

edited by blamelessvestal on 2/7/2021
edited by blamelessvestal on 2/7/2021
2/7/2021 8:40:58 AM
Monocular This is nice, very vivid imagery.
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