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SallyYoungEslinger - all messages by user

9/19/2020 5:35:04 PM
Timeless Sleep Read this over four times. I have written similarly about falling into a black hole, as in outer space. I felt bad for you, of course, as I read, for you saw yourself as being nothing, feeling as ice...but go back and perhaps you will see more hope than you thought was there, since you wrote at the end of leaving hopes and dreams on shore. So, there were hopes and dreams within you, and as previous comment said, poetry can provide a tLisman not only to your writing, but to yourself. Going to such depth in poetry as you did is indeed painful, but a poet with talent like you have will dig on a bit further to find credit in those hopes and dreams. Live welll. Keep writing! The world needs your full voice!
9/19/2020 5:51:38 PM
Blindfold I agree with Jack Webster. Have to tell you, this vision not very good, so ” instead of “blindfold” so at the end I wanted to know WHAT it was about them that hurt your relationship? Their disrespect? Their exclusion? Their lies? Well, Blindfold could ask similar questions playing to great poetic detail. Your expression and imagery could elucidate beautifully to what you hoped for, but just what was withheld.
11/27/2020 8:59:06 AM
Poll Question: Featured Poetic Forms... It could be an occasional treat option, like a cherry atop a sundae. BUT, I am getting older and came here primarily to share and meet my fellow poets, not to HAVE T o learn new forms of poetry...still doing research on ones I do, plus doing my visual art! Plus exercising every two hours to learn to walk again. I am trying to use extra time to read more soup poetry not need to study, thanks
2/28/2022 6:41:42 AM
World Strife, Time for Poets to Step Up Since the beginning, civilizations have NEEDED THEIR POETS to grow and to survive. Where poetry/poets were discouraged, the signs of a floundering civilization became apparent. In our time of such discord, I hope to find poets step up, loudly voice their poems on all subjects, and especially to call attention to: the importance of Freeing Our Inner Voices; sharing feelings through well-chosen words; encourage everyone to find the poet within; note the presentation of imagery all surrounding as valuable to perception of life. Poets! Time to Step Up! Encourage Stepping Out of Implosive Stasis!

12/6/2022 3:18:43 PM
My First Tear I stress editing thoughtfully, too. Poems will only rarely flow out completed. Most often they come to us with too many words, or out of order. As a poet you must hunt the Actual Words, plus imaging, sense-full words to fit into the lines of your meaning. USE A THESAURUS. LEARN TO LOVE READING A THESAURUS! And, the dictionary, too. A diction I y is the story and history of humanity — no other words exist for our Story, but what is in there.
I felt your poem was a little out of order. “I thought we could be lovers” would be my first line.

Several ways to follow that. How about…

I thought we’d be true lovers

Once I saw your eyes

With an embrace that held me too close

To ever make me cry — never could tears come to me,

So I thought,

From loving you, but

It seems your eyes spoke

Of wanting, not loving,

Not loving at all, only of knowing,

So my never thinking you’d never

Ever make me cry, did bring tears

When you left me broken,

With long flowing tears

Unexpected streaming down my cheeks…

Tears you’d never see

To last, stay in my memory.

I especially worked it to get rid of that youthful untrue last line. Learn to use repetition for your poem’s music and varying emphasis. Learn to elaborate while still being succinct, which you are good at. Stretch your talent. I suggest writing too much then cutting. Tears are a big theme with me. Sister poet, you have a good start here. Run with it! I want to see and feel those tears! Hugs, sally
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