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hunyamae - all messages by user

4/10/2019 8:25:48 AM
contests New to Poetry Soup. There were some contests I wanted to enter but could not locate area to put my poem. I clicked the enter contest button but it does not take me to an area to enter the poem. I have entered other contests with no problem. The contest is still open and not full. Example is the Dandelion Contest. Does being a premium member affect the contest entries? Thanks for your help.
4/10/2019 9:30:12 AM
new girl here... Hi, I'm new to the site too. Just recently started writing poetry. I don't think anyone is sure of their writing. That's an artist thing I think. I also paint. Never sure about that either! LOL I've had a couple of poems published so far. I feel poetry today, (at least on the sites I've been on) want some kind of random ramblings and not poetry. They call it stream of consciousness...whatever that is. I'm all for free verse, but some of this stuff isn't even that. Oh, well that's my opinion anyway. I'm not talking about Poetry Soup, but other sites that pay for your work. I am looking forward to entering contests and getting some feedback. Poetry is subjective, mostly up to the reader I guess. It's nice to have a community to look to. Welcome!
4/11/2019 9:34:27 AM
Censorship 2 I think I saw a list of words not allowed when I first signed up on Poetry Soup. I know I saw it reference somewhere. I tried to find it but couldn't. Maybe it is part of the terms/conditions statement.
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