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8/25/2013 6:48:46 PM
FAMILY MAN I like this. I'm actually not huuge on reading poetry because to me it seems too many try too hard. This seems like it was a therapeutic write for you..not sure if it's from personal experience or not, but regardless, I like it. Wording and all. Has an organic feel to it.


9/4/2013 8:19:53 PM
5 W's Who





Then there's room for a lie

What makes the news?

What makes the blues?

What makes people the authority over who and how others pay dues?

The endless struggle for world domination

Pink and the Brain

Their world is a piece of salt or grain

It's the dashed on the map that separate boundaries

Citizens who separate land, and carry mystical stories

Who creates these stories?

Those who want to conquer fear, worry

There's those who work to eat and pay bills and take care of family

At the end of the day they relax with their families happily

There are those who work to make money beyond pure necessity

Covering necessity, buy random stuff,

Then want,mud, houses, clothing, and air

Time to call a mans bluff, might end in dispear
9/27/2013 3:27:45 AM
Rehab With A Twist! I think you should go to rehab,

you say noooooooo,

ya youre all wack ,

cause youre on crack,

ya wont go go go,

you wont take the time,

if your gym boys think your fine,

i tried to make ya go to rehab,

ya text LMAO,

You'd rather be at the crib with Mike,

Party at eight, gonna get so high,

Youre a well known smooth talking ladies man,

Your secret crush, cybroman stan,

always brough Jack D. to school,

a few times had to call the man Dr. Drew,

I think you should go to rehab,

you say noooooooo,

ya youre all wack ,

cause youre on crack,

ya wont go go go,

you wont take the time,

if your gym boys think your fine,

i tried to make ya go to rehab,

ya text LMAO,

They would't let you take the medics wheel,

all cracked out, trying to do a deal,

white coat dude had to ask why you here,

You explained you'd been attacked by a dear,

Rubbing alcohol was all you found,

to ease the pain and mellow you down,

I think you should go to rehab,

you say noooooooo,

ya youre all wack ,

cause youre on crack,

ya wont go go go,

You say you dont wanna drink again,

dont want to loose your FB friends,

refusing to spend 2 months,

away from your gym boys and your cybroman love,

whatever helps you sleep,

at night that booze must go bye bye,

I think you should go to rehab,

you say noooooooo,

ya youre all wack ,

cause youre on crack,

ya wont go go go,

you wont take the time,

if your gym boys think your fine,

i tried to make ya go to rehab,

ya text LMAO

Parody of Amy Winehouse's Hit Rehab
10/2/2013 4:52:50 AM
Rehab With A Twist! Your response is perfect. My objective was reached. I was really just having fun with it. Thanks for reading my stuff!
10/24/2013 6:26:52 PM
Refuse to Pay Money Money
I need you honey
American Express sent me a message to pay
Green please fall from the sky, I haven't got all day
They're telling me I refuse to give it up
Well I think that statement sounds corrupt
If I had it, I'd fork it over
Never thought a phone operator could make me feel shorter
List of creditors I need to make good
I know I'm not alone and if I could
I'd get rid of the calls
Don't worry if my credit falls
This whole issue is half your own doing
Took money from the government, my owntax dollars
To me the 800s aren't worth pursuing
I used to care
Yea, I used to care
Then reality hit me and it seems unfair
Get laid off,
I Can't get a job
They get bailed out
I'll pay you back, no doubt*wink*
10/24/2013 6:38:55 PM
Mother Storm When the world is out of reality
Demand resources despite thebrutalities
Food, clothing, water, inches of theMother Earth
Pure essentials since we were givenbirth

Ship food to China to process
Our dream bubble needs a recess
You tell me the food on your plate isreal
Why do you feel bloated after everymeal?

Generations arriving with defects
Pesticides are creating societiesrejects
All you can say is it's cheaper
Wish technology made a common senseseeker

To deny Earth her natural gifts
She'll birth a storm that will make youdrift
Second thought, down those pesticides
You gotta brain, it's your roll of thedice
11/7/2013 7:11:24 AM
Why Why Why? It's the what the hell mood
For the next 180 seconds,
You got a shitty attitude
Not gonna mess around with anyone
Don't want to be hit up by any bums
You want to live your life in peace
Assemble so your mind can be at ease
When it's done, you'll feel foolish
Wisdom and common sense were out thedoor
You were a minute away from hitting thefloor
But why?
Why, why, why
Let yourself be so angry. '
Collect yourself and pick some daisies
Flip this and fix it
Otherwise when the important momentcomes

You're gonna miss it.
11/13/2013 3:13:12 AM
When is Enough Enough When is enough enough?
What doesn't kill you just makes you tough?

I agree fifty percent

Sometimes I wish for a simple life in a tent

Creative financing brings worlds to shambles

Dead presidents kill the earth and destroys animals

I really want to bring a child into the world

I don't find this one suitable for my little boy or girl

Now humans are defined by a chip or stamp

Watching computers replace humans makes my heart cramp

Confidence of our race is shattered and they're hopeless

They want to be heard, but don't feel important enough to carry their voices.

They don't maintain

They post selfies looking vein

Online diaries of millions visible to millions

Then get mad cause it's available for internet villains

Go to a movie

The scene starts to get groovy

Because this theater doesn't have the commercial reminder

Someones cell phone screen lights up like fire

Cell phones are security blankets

They're our binkies

Our dolls

God forbid your different and don't answer all calls

You can't not answer your phone

It's okay to be patient and busy,

I'll call when I get home.

Working 365 a year

Not worth it unless your interests are sincere

Years go by,

You'll wonder why

Why you never stopped

The money drop never stopped.

It's easy to stay

Easy to keep a routine

Easy to do the same thing day by day

I'm sorry to ruin your little parade

At some point, you'll have to awake

There'll be too much at stake

If you choose to avoid it you'll die

In those last seconds, you'll wonder why
edited by svlynn18 on 11/13/2013
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