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Doug Vinson - all messages by user

1/3/2017 9:04:00 AM
Rocket Ship People - My First Ballad Dave Matthews turns 50 in 6 days. If a song, would you have a refrain about knowing/doing better? Life seems pretty chaotic here on earth, compared to how it would be - how it would have to be - for true interstellar travel.
1/3/2017 9:17:50 AM
REPUTATION Barry, as far as I can tell, it's a running tally of the votes on people's posts - voting is done by clicking on the little "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" icons at the bottom of posts.
1/4/2017 1:28:39 AM
THE FEWLY APPRECIATED There are lots of reasons for views with no comments. Some people like short poems, and will skip over long ones. Others want prose. Or no prose. Others want rhymes. Others want no rhymes. PoetrySoup's policy seems pretty strict - I think especially to new members - " Please feel free to comment on this poem. However, please remember, PoetrySoup is a place of encouragement and growth." I think this scares some people off, i.e. if they don't have anything really nice to say, they say nothing at all.
1/7/2017 12:16:26 AM
Somebody changed my photo ... Greg, I have not heard of that happening, but haven't even been on this website two months yet. I agree that it's probably not somebody with your password. The site administrators would have the ability to change things, I assume, but no reason I can think of why any of them would do it, in this case.

Also don't know if they will respond to a question about it, but you can try - there is a link at the bottom of the webpage that says "Contact Us."

If you deleted the post, then I don't see how you can check the internet address of the new picture (the URL) but that might have given clues to what was going on. Just a longshot here - is there any way the internet address of your original picture could have been altered or deleted, as with deletion of the picture itself from whatever server it was on?
1/7/2017 12:24:30 AM
Do Grook's have to be short I think 'Rhyme' is a good category, here. Looking around for the definition of "grook" here and other places online, it really does seem that a grook is darn short.
1/7/2017 12:33:11 AM
writers block I agree, Carolyn - forcing things is useless. People often are very different, and what works for one may be worthless for another. If I'm not really "in the mood to write," then that's it - I do something else. Same as for reading a book or watching a movie, I think you have to be in the mood. Now, most professional writers don't have that luxury, and they put in their time most everyday - they make it top priority, even if just for four hours, say, if that's what they have agreed with themselves to do.

No matter how bad it is, how about just writing about that - write about the writer's block, how it makes you feel, why it seems there's nothing to be done about it, what it makes you feel like doing, etc.?
1/7/2017 12:36:18 AM
REPUTATION Barry wrote:
Can somebody please tell me what 'Reputation' in the forum profile is and how it is measured?

It's the cumulative total of the "votes," Barry - either of the little "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" icons at the bottom of a post.
1/7/2017 12:45:53 AM
First Submission - "Quis Sum?" 'Free Verse,' Greg, or 'Prose Poetry.' As you said, "This poem is whatever you find it to be." The poet's vision rarely totally intersects with that of the reader, making "criticism" a hard thing to do, unless it's with respect to more concrete elements - rhyme, meter, tone, etc. Nice personification and the many mentions of things.
2/24/2017 5:19:27 PM
Newbie or not newbie? That is the question. Greetings, you two. I've read your poems, commented on some of them. The best way to get comments is to read others' poems and comment there. It may take awhile, but people get to know you and vice-versa. Good group of people at PoetrySoup.
2/24/2017 5:30:27 PM
The Storm of Pain I like it a lot, Jess. Agree with GraphiteDrug, a little punctuation work will help. "the raging river's devastating path" (I put that apostrophe in there) and "The storm was the tears from one's broken heart" etc.
But no huge deal, and not everything has to be grammatically perfect. I like the overall theme and presentation. Yes, love is a risk, it may lead to pain, loss, rejection. Yet it may lead to many good things, and I think we are made to love.
2/24/2017 5:36:52 PM
49th Street Wow, Joey - well done! I think you set out to do and say something here, and that you succeeded. I like your comparisons, images, etc. Hard for me to give any criticism at all.

"One can taste the shine of new in the plastic bags of insatiable consumers. " --Great line, and if anything I encourage you to be "poetic" like this. "Taste the shine of new." Cheers!
2/24/2017 5:40:27 PM
Get Questions Answered Donna - yes, only the judge(s) can see all the entries. As entrants, we can only see ours, until the contest is finalized. Then everybody can see the ranked poems, the number of rankings varying with the type of contest.
2/24/2017 5:44:23 PM
Poetry Cats Hi Peter. Yes, there are a lot of categories, and it seems enormous when we're new to the website. I only knew a handful of poetry forms, and that list is like 150 long...

Yet, many people like the specialization that so many forms bring, and new ones are arising all the time. You learn more of them pretty fast, and most of the list does not get many poems posted in that style, so you don't have to be more concerned with so many forms, unless you want to be.
2/24/2017 5:46:12 PM
How to use the correct structure for my poetry Steve, the format of your file may not work with a given site's formatting, or it may not work well.... Sometimes, you just have to bite the bullet and retype them in.
2/24/2017 6:08:28 PM
Have fun and keep PoetrySoup a haven. Hey Rainbow Promise. That was a Standard Contest, not a Premier Contest. Premier ones are where the cups come from.

Best, Doug
2/24/2017 6:10:24 PM
SUP YAL Hi Aunna. I would say go ahead and post your poems. Rap and rhyme are both fine. See what people think...
2/24/2017 6:15:12 PM
Sending soup mail Hi Bruce. Click the link which is the person's name on the website, and you will go to the webpage that says, "Poems by (and then their name)." Underneath that, there is a small icon - an envelope and a tiny cup of soup. Click on that bad boy....
2/24/2017 6:21:00 PM
Windows Of My Mind Very nice, Jane. It reads well - you have excellent rhythm, number of syllables per line, etc.
2/24/2017 6:40:45 PM
A Poem for You Hi Devin. I think you're on the right track and doing fine. Writing poems just as they "come out of your mind" is fine - many times I find they appear wholly formed or pretty much all in place with little revising needed. Rather like "trust your first impressions," in a way. Sometimes poets feel an incredible *need* to get it down on paper, a computer, etc. - their can be a huge drive to create and not lose it!

'A Poem For You' is a quatrain (groups of 4 lines) with the 2nd and 4th lines rhyming. A very common and time-honored form (one I like a LOT). For "Quatrain," PoetrySoup says, "A stanza or poem consisting of four lines. In the basic form, Lines 2 and 4 must rhyme while having a similar number of syllables."

Your rhymes are perfect, your poem reads pretty well. I think you should shorten the 5th line, though. It's so much longer than the others, and it breaks up the overall feel of the poem for the reader at that point. The next-to-last line has 8 syllables, and except for that one and the 5th line, every other one is either 5 or 6 syllables. So line #5, with 11, really stands out.

I suggest something like, "When we go shopping // We have so much fun..." Or, "When we go out shopping // We're having so much fun..." Thus 5 // 5 syllables, or 6 // 6. I think the 6 // 6 sounds better. ("//" is how many people signify a line change when commenting on poems and posts, since the format for replies doesn't make it easy to make short lines.)

Read it to yourself, and see what you think. Good luck!

edited by Doug Vinson on 2/24/2017
2/24/2017 6:49:33 PM
need help, comments Seth, let us read the poem.... Give us a link that works. Or just post the poem.
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