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12/3/2021 3:51:02 PM

Mayowa Funmilayo
Posts: 2
My silver hair has grown,
Time has weakened my bones.
My face has been wrinkled,
My limbs have been crippled.

My time is up, I must go,
My death will be a painful woe.
But before I have a chance to die,
A movie flashes before my eyes.

The movie begins with a baby girl,
Being brought into this world.
She cries so loud even though she’s unharmed,
But finds peace in her mother’s arms.

As years pass by, she learns and grows.
Her early life begins to flow.
A teenager she has become,
Everyone sees her as a bundle of fun.

But on the inside, she’s moody and depressed,
She covers it up and strives to impress.
Adored by adults, loved by her peers,
She can’t be herself, that’s her worst fear.

She takes a step into adulthood,
Her goal cannot be misunderstood.
Focus on college, rise to the top,
She’s a determined beast that cannot be stopped.

Her dream career is in her hands,
She’s scheduling, appointing, and making plans.
Her job gives her no chance to unwind,
And family is at the back of her mind.

So after retirement, she’s old and alone,
Her best friend is her cell phone.
She has no spouse, has no kids,
So what lesson does my life give?

Life begins with joy and ends with sorrow.
A sorrow that there will be no tomorrow.
And this sorrow burns worse than fire,
It consumes hopes, dreams, and longing desires.

So to all the people of youth,
Listen to my words, for I speak the truth.
There’s no need for a life of your own,
If that life will be spent all alone.

So keep your family, keep your friends,
Before your life comes to an end.
And all of life’s unique parts,
Keep them in your mind, cherish them in your heart.

So that on the final day,
You can look back and say,
“I’ve lived a good life.”
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