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6/24/2021 3:24:16 PM

njv Tomcatx
Posts: 9
I recently created an account in PoetrySoup and began posting poems, etc. I received an email notifying me that someone sent a Soupmail message--but when I checked my Soupmail inbox, there were no messages. My Soupmail is enabled. Any idea what the problem might be? Do I need to be a paid member to send/receive Soupmail messages (I realize that being a premium member is required to receive feedback on my poems & other features). Thanks in advance for any feedback you can offer.
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3/21/2022 11:57:37 PM

Rachel Gomez
Posts: 5
Your Soup Mail administrator needs to first add you to the team, at which point you will receive an invitation email to join the team and activate your new Soup Mail account. (Note: If you have not received an invitation email, check your spam and/or contact your email administrator to ensure is whitelisted)

1) Activate your new Soup Mail account
-Click the link in the invitation email to activate your account and nominate a unique Soup Mail password. This is important to remember and will be used to login to Soup Mail from both the web browser and the first time you install the Outlook Add-in.
-After activation you will be taken to the Soup Mail dashboard which summarises recent emails, folders and tags within your team. Please note that it may take up to 2hrs after activation for you to see all the folders and email within your team.

2) Un-install the old Outlook Add-in
-Exit Outlook
-Goto Add/Remove programs (via Control panel or clicking start and typing remove programs to go directly).
-Find Soup Mail Outlook Add-in and click Remove/Un-install.
-Open Outlook and confirm that the Soup Mail toolbar is no longer present.

3) Install new Outlook Add-in
-Exit Outlook
-Add Soup Mail to your trusted sites by doing the following:
-Launch Internet Explorer and open its "Internet Options" dialog
-Click on the "Security" tab, then on "Trusted Sites"
-Now click on the "Sites" button
-Add *://* to the list by entering it in the field at the top and clicking Add. (Note: -You will need to uncheck "Require server verification. The pattern, with asterisks, ensures that any subdomain of is trusted, in case the location of the add-in installer later changes.
-Close the dialogs
-Install new Outlook Add-in by clicking and running.
-Open Outlook and observe the new Soup Mail toolbar is present.
-Attempt to save an email and you should be prompted to login to Soup Mail. At the dialog enter your Soup Mail username (email) and password and click Login, then click OK.
-Confirm you were able to save an email to Soup Mail by clicking Search and observe the email should exist within Soup Mail.

Rachel Gomez
edited by Rachel Gomez on 3/21/2022
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4/14/2022 8:26:28 AM

njv Tomcatx
Posts: 9
Rachel--belated thanks for your feedback. I don't have Outlook on my Macbook--however, it looks like Soup Mail is working. I think the message I received last year shortly after creating my PoetrySoup was spam. I'm relieved it isn't necessary to try the steps you outlined.
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5/4/2022 6:35:14 AM

Karam Misra
Posts: 8
I just missed the Terzanelle contest by about half an hour or so due to time zone issues. Could we have a counter to tell how much time is left for a contest to end. This would help for time-zoned constrained people to enter contests in time.
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