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Don't Post Poetry Here!!! Everything to make us smile - anecdotes, stories, fun things to do, etc. But NOT Poetry.
10/15/2020 2:45:17 PM

sand blown
Posts: 10
re-lease not as in membership renewal....but to keep letting go when when u half 2.... this 'po' at tree is and noting what you've released on paper...before pushing some 'button' to re-release what you've left behind....'your soup' the 'po' tree....stan sand : )
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10/15/2020 9:56:20 PM

sand blown
Posts: 10
sand wrote:
re-lease not as in membership renewal....but to keep letting go when when u half 2.... this 'po' at tree is and noting what you've released on paper...before pushing some 'button' to re-release what you've left behind....'your soup' the 'po' tree....stan sand : )
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10/15/2020 10:43:13 PM

sand blown
Posts: 10
...apparently po-at-tree can mean repetition....hence: evolution means miss-takes does symbolize
as goddess of time.....because of miss-takes...our teacher....we can recognize crap and see that
dumping it is learning by what 'miss-takes' can teach us andt!....hence we want more.....ah...miss

takes so well she takes one to the, its only right to make 'miss-takes' again andt...'a' gain!

..............'miss-takes'...a symbolic goddess of change, called time....'miss-takes'...reality as a blessing

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10/22/2020 5:49:53 PM

sand blown
Posts: 10
....irrational constants (pi, e, phi, etc) give shape to our 'realities'......constant 'irrationals' are called
transcendentals.....they are everywhere always.....creativity is formations of irrational constants.....

creative irrational poetics are of life's natural challenges...........stan sand
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