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Post here if you're new to receiving a critique and you want "gentle" feedback on your poem. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
10/9/2019 2:27:58 AM

Jenish Somadas
Posts: 7
The Podium

I stand on the podium, with a trembling heart
Looking towards, a big sum of audience.
Their eyes are like, stars in the sky
Twinkling clearly and raising my pressure.
They seems before me, as devils in their chairs
Waiting to tear my heart, apart.
Hundreds and hundreds of eyes, I saw
Without a drop of, kindness in them.
Then I remember, the famous words,
None but the brave deserves the fair,
The sign of life is strength and growth,
The sign of death is weakness, it says.
I kept my doubts, a distance away
And delivered the lecture, without any fear.
There saw the devils, standing like angels,
Clapping and clapping, for ever and ever.
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10/9/2019 7:21:20 AM

Wilbert Webb
Posts: 3
I Liked your poem, (The Podium) When you mention other poets be sure to acknowledge them, especially one so famous as: "None but the brave deserves the fair".
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10/9/2019 8:26:00 AM

Jenish Somadas
Posts: 7
bwebbman wrote:
I Liked your poem, (The Podium) When you mention other poets be sure to acknowledge them, especially one so famous as: "None but the brave deserves the fair".

Thank you Wilbert..

Actually I thought this line is enough..

"Then I remember, the famous words,"


"Then I remember, Dryden's words" would have been better.. What you say?
edited by srjenish1 on 10/9/2019
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1/14/2020 6:08:39 PM

Warren Mbaht
Posts: 10
I go along with you. You did fully infer they were not your words. Many famous sayings, we don't even know who coined them.
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