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Don't Post Poetry Here!!! Everything to make us smile - anecdotes, stories, fun things to do, etc. But NOT Poetry.
8/21/2017 8:56:02 PM

Gayle Rodd
Posts: 26
How many times have your kids made you feel like running away from home? I love my children and grandchildren dearly, but there are those times when I wished for once I could just start walking and never look back. If you're an honest parent, I think some soul searching may find that you have felt that way at one time or another too.
Well, one day I decided to do just that - to abandon everything and everyone; to just start walking and not look back. I was feeling sad, worthless and unappreciated. My house was a mess and the kids were fighting relentlessly as my husband laid sprawled across the couch eating potato chips. The crumbs that didn't get lodged in his beard tumbled endlessly to the floor. Once in a while I would catch him in a half smile, gazing longingly at me. I remember him looking at me that way when we were first going together. It was that sort of look one gives someone when they are completely mesmerized by their whole entire being. They want to embrace the totality of their beauty, their body and soul. Now that look just meant he wanted me to get him a beer.
As I tossed a can at him (just missing his head) I grabbed my jacket and flung it over my shoulders. Heading out the back door, my footsteps slapped hard against the concrete. Brisk and determined, I didn't know where I was going but I was going to get there nevertheless. I kept muttering to myself softly, "They'll be sorry. Let's see if they even notice I'm gone. Yeah, they'll notice when they get hungry or want me to get their toy out from under the couch."
At the end of the road was a little grove. It had some trees that were mangled and huddled together as if trying to hide from the rest of the world. I walked around them and sat underneath the thickest part. It was quiet and cozy, just like my own little refuge. I sat for what seemed like hours. At first it was wonderful! I blew on a dandelion and watched as it floated lazily across the grass. I looked for four-leaf clovers, played with a ladybug and even took a catnap against the stump of an old elm tree. I was thoroughly enjoying the well earned solitude of my new found haven.
Soon I began to realize my family may not even know I'm gone. If they did, were they worried? Were they looking for me? I began to get this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. How long had I been out here? What if they aren't even concerned? I mean, I wanted solace and all that but gee, don't they even miss me? I thought I should just stop acting silly and get myself back home, when all at once I heard some faint footsteps. They sounded like they were coming from a small child. They were rapid and frantic footsteps. It had to be one of the kids looking desperately for their mother; their rock and their entire reason for existing! The footsteps grew louder as my heart beat faster. I was grinning with the heartfelt satisfaction that someone indeed missed and cared for me. It was my son running towards the trees. "Over here!" I yelled and waved my arms. For a moment I felt as though we were in a beautiful novel. I couldn't wait to hold and kiss him and hear his cute 'little lisp' as he sang praises to, the prodigal mother returning home.
He ran up to me and stopped abruptly, putting his hands on his hips as he tapped his foot and said "Oh, HERE you are mom! I thought you wuthz gonna fixths me sthum Tang!"
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4/28/2022 3:02:23 PM

Vickey Rhymer
Posts: 2
Enjoyed your story very much for many reasons
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6/2/2022 6:19:37 PM

Amish Giri
Posts: 1
V.Rhymer wrote:
Enjoyed your story very much for many reasons

Good Story
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