Book: Shattered Sighs

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4/25/2017 12:45:40 AM

Joseph Soper
Posts: 4
Just a few words about me... First off let me say I am not not nor do I have any intention of being a professional writer. I write for fun and enjoy the challenge of the written word. I do not stay true to any particular format as each has it's merits and I like to explore different forms to challenge myself. Although I am fond of the Haiku and Senyru, there is a real challenge to emote great detail in so few words/syllables. I will go back and make adjustments to previous works as sometimes distance provides clarity. I enjoy reading other people's work here and they have provided me with a little inspiration as well. I really started writing about 8 years ago and was pretty active with it for a while. It has been a couple years since I have written anything but am beginning to get the bug back. I tend to lean towards a little humor in my poetry, I'm a bit of a prankster so cant help myself. I hope I'm able to convey some thought and emotion invoking imagery in my works and that if nothing else can make someone smile.
edited by ZipperWoody on 4/25/2017
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