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Forum Home » Writing Poetry » Rhyming woes

Ways to improve your poetry. Post your techniques, tips, and creative ideas how to write better.
11/7/2016 4:30:31 PM

Caroline Smith
Posts: 2
Struggling creatively to write a poem that doesn't rhyme.
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11/9/2016 8:37:22 PM

keith osborne
Posts: 59
Try a Fibonacci form.
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11/19/2016 6:58:59 PM

Doug Vinson
Posts: 102
Hi Caroline. Nothing beyond basic stuff here, and I've struggled with rhymes too. If you have word X, a rhyming dictionary (many are free, online) will show you what other words rhyme with it. If no success there, a thesaurus will give you synonyms for X, and that may suggest a rhyming word that fits, or - back to the rhyming dictionary again for another look. If things are still not coming together well, sometimes it's good to just walk away from the poem for a bit. Or delete a given stanza, or rewrite it, say things a different way. Or get a big hammer and just beat the crap out of something. Or have a few drinks; let the Muse be pleased, let Inspiration come. Okay, those last two - not for everybody.
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11/29/2016 8:34:23 PM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
What's your definition of "a poem" Caroline?
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5/21/2017 9:47:45 AM

Posts: 1
Sometimes it may be difficult to come up with words that rhyme but don't forget that your poem still needs to make sense.So try to find things that do make sense and go together.
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7/12/2017 2:17:38 AM

Vivien Wade
Posts: 1
a rhyming dictionary is helpful. To start a poem use a word in second line thst is easy to rhyme. Care, share, hair . fair. there, rhyme 2nd and 4th lines.

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