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Forum Home » Be Gentle » YOU'RE NOT ALONE

Post here if you're new to receiving a critique and you want "gentle" feedback on your poem. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
11/15/2010 1:18:23 PM

jessica thomas
Posts: 2
when someone does you wrong-you're not alone there's someone out there that is getting the same help.
when you think you're the only one on medication-you're not alone there are a lot of people out there on more medication to help them out.
when you have nowhere to go and no one talk to,no one that cares or loves you-you're not alone some parents just do not know how to express themselves in a positive way so they do things that they wish they didn't and they later regret.
when you don't know where you might end up because someone close to you in your family just passed away -you're not alone there are a lot of people losing family members, friends and homies.
there are a lot of people that have been hurt, beat, emotionally damaged and sexually abused so know-you're not alone

jessica louise thomas
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