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8/12/2013 8:55:15 AM

Mark Taylor
Posts: 1
Hi all, my name is Mark and I hail from the grim industrial landscapes of Lancashire, England. As I sit close to Blake's dark satanic mills, I feel the urge to produce poetry. I have been writing seriously for about five years, before that it was just the occasional doodle or rude limerick.

Once in Manchester I was mistaken for the (dead) performance/comedic poet Hovis Presley.

The guy who made this mistake was a poet himself and recited to me a poem. The poem was not some comedy piece as you may expect in the circumstances, but a work of the troubled poet Ernest Dowson. "Non sum quails eram bonae sub regno Cynarae." The poet told how this poem had inspired him to write.

On hearing this passionate work I researched the poem and Ernest Dowson and fell in love with poetry, since then I have regularly made time to think, be inspired and write.

I would like to thank all of the members who commented so warmly on my first poem here "Black Ophelia." I look forward to reading and commenting on others work.

Thanks again.

Absinthe friend (Mark)
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