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My Feelings about Honorable Mention - Robert Stoner Jr's Blog

About Robert Stoner Jr
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Robert Gene Stoner Jr.


Born: Canton, Ohio, USA - 1949


Current residence: Holiday, Florida, USA


Service: US Army Military Police K-9 Corp

    Tour of Duty Vietnam


College: Kent State University - Ohio

              University of South Florida

              Degree: Bachelor of Fine Arts -Painting/Sculpture


Currently Retired – Formally owner Stoner Antique Restoration


Member – Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators


Published Poem – Sealed, Steadfast and Resolute

    Safe and Vault Technology, Inc


Published Poems - Similarities: Voices In Verse

    Ty And The Knight Writers LLC


Self Published Children’s Book –“I Went To The Zoo” 


Accepted to the following Public Library Children’s collections:

    Dunedin Public Library, Fl

    New Port Richey Public Library, Fl

    Holiday Public Library, Fl

    Palm Harbor Public Library, Fl

    Clearwater Public Library, Fl

    Tarpon Springs Public Library, Fl


Self Published Children’s Book Series (Six Volumes) – “The Little Gray Squirrel”


Web site –

      Blog – Roberts Readers Club – children’s poetry writing topics

Facebook – Robert Gene Stoner Jr - Poet


My Feelings about Honorable Mention

Blog Posted:3/29/2015 8:15:00 AM

I have seen this topic kicked about, a post by a souper stirred my interest. This souper wanted to sponsor a contest, which they would enter, so they could get exposure for their work. Having not won 1-10 their work was not displayed. It's my belief all work entered which are not placements 1-10 should be posted as Honorable Mention.There have been many fine works not chosen as winners because they did not meet the special interests of the sponsor. Not rosey enough, not funny enough, not what I like, Not what I like??? We enter for the art not to give the sponsor what they like.These contest entries generate increased readership for each of us by the online readers to this site. I want to read these entries and see them promoted on line as contest topic entrants. I may have taste other than the the sponsor and may totally enjoy the entrants perspective. Thanks  Robt.

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Date: 3/31/2015 3:37:00 PM
'Honorable Mention' can be, and often is, taken to a devaluing extreme. The frustration of failing to win is integral to the learning and experiential processes. After all, how good can one feel about being the 32nd Honorable Mention? While all seek reinforcement, even adulation, some entries are better. So it is in all things. A writer who can't have confidence in the quality and meaning of his work without praise is doomed to many moments of sad reflection. Perhaps ALL contest entries could be listed and accessible for a limited period of time - after judging. Allow readers other than the sponsor to rate the entries. Nothing official mind you, just to compare mind sets.
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Stoner Jr Avatar
Robert Stoner Jr
Date: 3/31/2015 3:55:00 PM
Thanks for your input Robert, interesting insights and suggestions, thanks.
Date: 3/31/2015 8:21:00 AM
Hi Robert, What you suggest in most ways I do. YET, real life requires writers- writers who intend at some point to get their verse out into the world, must learn to fulfill the judges/magazines/the editors needs/requirements. If I ask for a sonnet it is because I'd like to expose more people to how cool the form is! So, a Free Verse poem submitted in that contest would not get 1-10 or HM. In my contest everyone ranks who fulfills minimum requirements. No one is left out because I didn't agree with their interpretation of the theme. YOU are correct many judges do - do this. Just decide where you want to try.
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Stoner Jr Avatar
Robert Stoner Jr
Date: 3/31/2015 2:16:00 PM
I agree, if a set challenge is made and the rules are clearly available that's the bottom line, comply or be exempt from participation. I didn't realize how coveted HM is to some.I put out HM as an opportunity to show all acceptable work not 1-10 on display, for poets struggling for views.." PoetrySoup™ is an easy-to-use, comprehensive, interactive, and fun international poetry community for all poets and lovers of poetry.... as we read contest entries we may choose select poems to feature.... Sometimes we feature active poets to encourage them." That's a non censored, all included hope for new poets PS stands for in Poetry soups words.If one writes for the contest, if it complies show the work.
Stoner Jr Avatar
Robert Stoner Jr
Date: 3/31/2015 1:41:00 PM
When ever one knowledgeable offers me constructive criticism I am never upset but extremely grateful. I appreciate and respect your opinion and critique at any time , thank you.
Guzzi Avatar
Debbie Guzzi
Date: 3/31/2015 8:26:00 AM
And Robert if you want a critique I will give you one as long as you don't think I'm being mean and get upset.
Date: 3/31/2015 7:57:00 AM
Hi Robert. I agree to some of what you said above however I stand to let the winners of who is who according to the sponsor. I will admit that not of my poems would have not been created if not by the challenging themes of the contests I joined here. The contests generates lots of muses from us poets. I myself is most proud of the winnings i have had where my name is only the one mentioned on that place not with anyone.. I believe that at times, poems with same themes may arise, but this goes on with the delivery/execution of the theme that appeals most to the sponsor. maybe not all are same but i prefer really being the only winner in a place.. :)
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Stoner Jr Avatar
Robert Stoner Jr
Date: 3/31/2015 2:25:00 PM
Olive I agree with you 100% the contests offer challenges to muse and new styles which is learning and that's always great.Obviously some sponsors I cannot please because I don't write in the manner they like so I don't enter. I too like one winner only 1-10. I'd like all the entries meeting the rules posted for viewing. Thanks for your input.
Guillermo - Fraser Avatar
Olive Eloisa Guillermo - Fraser
Date: 3/31/2015 8:05:00 AM
For me a competitive and very sport contender will not be dismayed if s/he lose esp if s/he knows the judge been fair all along.. but i prefer one winner in each place if possible.. you are so right that the poems who didn't make it but worth mentioning must be placed as HM
Guillermo - Fraser Avatar
Olive Eloisa Guillermo - Fraser
Date: 3/31/2015 8:02:00 AM
When I receive N/A the first thing I do is to review any rules I violated.. then read all the winners if I can..then somehow I gauge why mine wasn't included.. I really don't blame the N/A's to the sponsor as they have the right to place who is the best among the rest.. :)!
Date: 3/31/2015 1:20:00 AM
It would be nice to see all entries for contests. But this is the responsibility of the site admins, not the judges. I try to be a valid judge, but there is no way in hell I am going to show an entry that breaks my rules, especially those that are blatant. I want to see the NAs because it would help me in deducing if the judge is valid or in evaluating their bias. I agree with you, we should have a way to view all the entrants. I wrote PS a little while back, asking them to consider a link in the finalized contest header which would show all the NAs. Make it a paying member perk. Have not heard back from them. Let us hope, they don’t take their popularity for granted.
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Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 3/31/2015 4:57:00 PM
thanks for telling her that, Robert. I have had several people come to me for help lately. I am no expert in Tanka. As I have said before, I have only written a few myself that were actually worthy of being in a journal. Ten of my tanka were turned down by American Tanka society and by my own standards they were not even that bad. It is a form very difficult to explain . I will read one and think it is a good idea, but the little things I know are not accepted by tanka society are so difficult to explain to poets. My only expertise in the whole matter comes from reading many tanka in journals I have purchased over the years. I really wish I knew how to help everyone when I am inferior in it myself. I feel my judging of them exceeds my own ability of writing them! Anyway, I do regret having made my contest be "top ten" last time. And I wish Soup could do a window for us to show N/A's.
Stoner Jr Avatar
Robert Stoner Jr
Date: 3/31/2015 4:15:00 PM
LOL Andrea that's fine as I said it's your contest select the winners as you chose, no hard feelings, ever. I would just like to see those 5 not posted contest entry's listed for read. HM's or not, NA or not, "also entered" is fine, just show the work that was so heartfelt created for this muse be shown.By the way a young lady asked for my help writing Tanka because she read mine and so enjoyed it. I told her ( Becca Teagan ) to seek your help as you are the person in that discipline to seek out for coaching, so look for a novice in need. :o) Thanks
Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 3/31/2015 4:00:00 PM
Robert, after seeing this blog I went to see if you had recently submitted to my contest. I felt bad to see that it was a poem I actually liked, but because I had decided to shorten my winners list this time, I decided to keep out yours and five others that were nice, but were in my opinion, not quite as good as my other winners. It's unfortunate that you had not entered that one in my previous contest that showcased all the tanka, even the ones not quite my favorites! It's all subjective in these contests, unfortunately. I loved the "idea" of your tanka. I always tell everyone who does not place, come to me. I tell them why they did not place. I remember feeling bad that yours and a few others did not place. Some people here hate HM's. I never know whether to give them or not. They seem to offend some people!
Stoner Jr Avatar
Robert Stoner Jr
Date: 3/31/2015 2:54:00 PM
On critiquing work all I can say " to each each his/her own". I got a reply that the judge didn't know if he/she could critique my entry. I see judges giving top 10 places to sonnets that don't follow syllable count or stress patterns. I guess that's in the sponsors wheel house and ability. I most often just want to know did I fail technically, my words are my words if the judge doesn't like them that's ok I did, lol.
Stoner Jr Avatar
Robert Stoner Jr
Date: 3/31/2015 2:39:00 PM
I would not question your selection of winning entries, that's,your choice and your taste. If I cannot meet your expectations I will not enter your contests. You are welcome to your opinions on quality I have mine, I sincerely wish you all the success in the world.Just because you find the entry's not up to your standards they may exceed mine or others. I got some great responses to a recent tanka but it didn't make top 10, case in point.I ask please let us view all the entries in compliance.
Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 3/31/2015 8:53:00 AM
Also someone can follow the rules exactly but the poem is still just simply horrible, or trite or whatever. We should not have to like something just because all the t's are crossed and the i's are dotted. but I love the idea to be able to have all the entries shown somehow!
Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 3/31/2015 8:51:00 AM
I like this point, rob, about being able to show the N/A's . the problem is that the judge may have to go to each and every one and explain why it did not win. After my contests, I sometimes run across the poems that did not win in my contest. I've had poets take my advice wrong or think I am nuts for not liking their poem. It is so hard to explain what you feel is wrong when so many others do not understand the thinking that went on in your brain. It's difficult to explain grammar things to people, for example. Not many understand dangling participles, etc. How to explain some little thing you feel they did wrong. Makes it so complicated
Stoner Jr Avatar
Robert Stoner Jr
Date: 3/31/2015 7:57:00 AM
yes Jan on another site you receive a notice, entry did not meet rules. Then they tell you what rule you violated.At least you know it was a format problem and not a content problem.You can then rewrite or know it will not be judged. One sponsor taught me the correct way to write a sonnet which opened new doors for me.
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 3/31/2015 7:40:00 AM
I think that is a great idea Rob as is the idea of Broken Wings - would be lovely to all see the poems showcased ... as long as the sponsor is able to remove those not suitable for viewing as I know we had one or two when we started to judge a contest - these poems were simply nothing to do with the contest - shame they cant be removed prior to the contest closing and leave room for more suitable poems:-) Hugs jan xx
Date: 3/30/2015 5:37:00 PM
I understand your point of view Robert but I disagree.It seems to me everyone shouldn't get a ribbon.The owner of the contest decides what they like and don't like and that is find with me. Trust me I have plenty of N/A's to prove it.I have found that for the most part the poets on this site are fair.Truth be told I read a lot more poems than the ones I respond to.My advice don't take it to heart you know if a poem you wrote is good or not..some of my best work have gotten N/A's and some I'm not to keen on have won, it all washes out in the end.
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Stoner Jr Avatar
Robert Stoner Jr
Date: 3/30/2015 6:26:00 PM
Thanks for the input Fredric. This has noting to do with getting ribbons. I want to see every poem shown that was entered. This is a learning opportunity and a way for some to get their work seen. I don't brood over placements as long as they were fairly made. I win and lose on other sites as well. I don't care if there's a top 10 some HM or not but show all the entry's like other sites.
Date: 3/30/2015 7:18:00 AM
Why not cancel the contests and hand out the awards. This is the "let's not keep score" mentality that seeks to foster a fantasy based self esteem. I often think that all my poems should be placed because they are "so much better" than those that placed or placed higher. I have judged a few contest and found many poems completely off topic, off form, and seemingly written without benefit of proof reading or spell check. It is obvious that each contest host has different parameters for evaluating which poems are selected. It is not an easy process.
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Ward Avatar
Julia Ward
Date: 4/1/2015 12:27:00 AM
I repeat Andrea's "hurrah".
Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 3/30/2015 11:28:00 AM
hurrah for you. I Love your response here, John.
Date: 3/29/2015 1:21:00 PM
Entering a contest does not buy you an HM, I believe. Entering and following the contest rules might merit an HM, I think. I get 5-10 entries in every contest which are clearly off the hook. I am sure that many of these enter the same poem in all current contests, regardless of the rules. I have had this confirmed by other contest hosts. Why should their poem get more 10-20 times more exposure than others who have made an effort to follow the rules? Why reward the rule breakers?
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Stoner Jr Avatar
Robert Stoner Jr
Date: 3/29/2015 1:41:00 PM
Thanks for your input Roy, I understand your point and as a sponsor, you do as you wish. In the spirit that PS is an open and encouraging format to expose work and encourage poets how does posting a poem repeatedly if necessary hurt.Those writers of successful work will not be devalued because x entered that poem again, lol.If those failed poems off topic didn't win 1-10 or HM post them as NA but post them.
Date: 3/29/2015 11:50:00 AM
Good morning Robert, I enjoy displaying poems on my HM. I hope poets don't mind. Once in a blue moon, I will ask for 40 entries. When I do, I eliminate at least 15 or so. I don't ask for much when running my contest. But, when I do I expect my rules to be followed. Sometimes, a poet will not place in my contest, when they tend to enter the same poem over and over or their poems contain the same feeling every poem they enter in my contest does. I don't like a narrative or short poems (unless it's a haiku), I don't like it when a poet enters my contest with a good poem, yet I noticed they used the same poem before. I will give that poem an HM or so. I give HM's for many reasons. One of my favorite reasons is to display that poem. I am generous like that. Love LINDA
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Stoner Jr Avatar
Robert Stoner Jr
Date: 3/29/2015 12:57:00 PM
Thanks for the input Linda, your inclusion of HM is great but here you have said the very thing that keeps entrants from getting exposure," their poems contain the same feeling every poem they enter in my contest. I don't like a narrative or short poems (unless it's a haiku)." Perhaps I would enjoy their message of sullen or comic relief. Perhaps I would enjoy a short form to read on the topic. The personal taste of the sponsor is excluding the opportunity for Poetry soup members the opportunity from reading fine entrys because the sponsor has decided the work unfit because it is different than the sponsors taste.Grade the 1-10 as you like but publish the remainder as HM no one is hurt.
Date: 3/29/2015 10:58:00 AM
I think it a great idea. All entries below tenth place get list as HM. WHY NOT GIVE THOSE THAT ENTER SUCH EXPOSURE? After all, many put a lot into their work when entering contests. Besides especially on certain themes I like to read what others wrote!
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Stoner Jr Avatar
Robert Stoner Jr
Date: 3/29/2015 1:11:00 PM
Thanks for the input Robert. There are many novice and intermediate writers who hit a home run but their understanding is off on the challenge requirements. If I see something I can help fix I'll drop them a line and offer a possible solution from spelling to form.Even a few experts :o)
Date: 3/29/2015 8:57:00 AM
Robert, I truly understand how you feel, I have not placed in many a contest with even an HM and for sure that hurts but you have to remember these are contests, even if not for money or prizes, and the sponsor is the ultimate judge of what they are looking for, if a sponsor gives everyone a placement even HM then to me what is the point of the contest, I look at these contest as learning, you need to think of other ways to showcase your poetry, like facebook or other social media sites, on the blogs here, sponsor your own contest and use one of your poems as an example, comment, comment, comment and that will bring people to your poetry, just my opinion . .
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Stoner Jr Avatar
Robert Stoner Jr
Date: 3/30/2015 3:59:00 PM
I certainly didn't mean commenting was social ego, sorry to have you interpret my comment that way. I was expressing my value of winning a contest as social ego as the only value. I agree commenting is important and reading is important and I want contests to be a learning lesson. I think we should be able to read all the entry's. Sorry if I misspoke.
La France Avatar
Constance La France
Date: 3/30/2015 7:56:00 AM
Robert you say that my thinking as contest as learning is social ego, I take offense to that and I do read others poetry, I read and and I comment and comment, you have never commented on my poems so how can you judge my ego . . .or my poetry
Stoner Jr Avatar
Robert Stoner Jr
Date: 3/29/2015 1:17:00 PM
Yes BW not only show the entry's but allow the members to vote on the entries. Now there's a choice by your peers that is to be respected.
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 3/29/2015 11:15:00 AM
That would be a great compromise:-) Why not suggest it to the poetry soup team xx
La France Avatar
Constance La France
Date: 3/29/2015 9:25:00 AM
Robert, I have noticed on other poetry sites one can read all the entrants to a specific contest, perhaps that is something poetry soup could do . . .
Stoner Jr Avatar
Robert Stoner Jr
Date: 3/29/2015 9:19:00 AM
I see these as writing challenges. Where you place is irrelevant actually, that's just social ego.. There's much to be gained by reading other poets contributions to the challenge. Hm just shows what others have written and has no reflection on the 1-10.
Date: 3/29/2015 8:24:00 AM
You do have a valid point Robert - so basically you suggest the sponsor choose their top placements and everyone else getsrecognition for having at least tried - at the end of the day soup recently sent an e mail trying to encourage us to read the works of others so your idea would hopefully generate more interest
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Stoner Jr Avatar
Robert Stoner Jr
Date: 3/29/2015 8:45:00 AM
if that's the case it will only reflect negatively on the writer and perhaps encourage entrants to be more contest correct in their entries.
Allison Avatar
Jan Allison
Date: 3/29/2015 8:34:00 AM
I have to say though Robert some entries the sponsors receive simply are not suitable for the contest! I am sure many sponsors have found places filled with poems that are simply nothing to do with the contest Hugs jan xx
Stoner Jr Avatar
Robert Stoner Jr
Date: 3/29/2015 8:30:00 AM
yes Jan post all entrants not top 10 as HM and show their work so we can read them.

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promotional video book trailers
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Facebook awaits
Date Posted: 12/25/2016 7:17:00 PM
Honorable Mention Award - Loudoun County Public Library Poetry Compitition
Date Posted: 7/13/2016 6:12:00 PM
Facebook for poets
Date Posted: 12/24/2015 8:02:00 AM
Is there a need for a chat room in Poetry Soup?
Date Posted: 12/11/2015 10:15:00 AM
My book signing event results
Date Posted: 11/24/2015 4:07:00 PM
First traditionally published poem
Date Posted: 10/13/2015 5:06:00 PM
Six Book Series Self Published - Little Gray Squirrel
Date Posted: 9/22/2015 5:15:00 PM
"I Went to the Zoo" update.
Date Posted: 8/14/2015 5:22:00 PM
My First Self Published Book
Date Posted: 7/30/2015 6:01:00 PM
I Won 3rd Place :o)
Date Posted: 4/25/2015 2:36:00 PM
My Feelings about Honorable Mention
Date Posted: 3/29/2015 8:15:00 AM
Poetry soup syllable counter
Date Posted: 3/15/2015 4:08:00 PM
Best wishes for the New Year
Date Posted: 12/31/2014 9:15:00 PM
Seasonal Wish
Date Posted: 12/24/2014 4:06:00 PM
Wow, 20,500 views of my forum question
Date Posted: 11/14/2014 8:30:00 AM
Destined to write
Date Posted: 11/9/2014 9:16:00 AM

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10/15/2020 Blues Verseblue,music,
10/14/2020 Veteran Returns Rhymeconflict,
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10/13/2020 Only Prose In Death Rhymedeath,
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