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All Hands On Deck

Feedback - flight or fight – it’s due to enzymes.
God put it in our brain, safeguard for crimes;
fear is normal, a good thing many times.

Facts fog up when fear uses its strong-arm. 
What is meant to keep us sheltered from harm
can fail just like any other alarm.

A freeze from fear forces all hands on deck.
When fears become phobias, take time, check
your fear can be a liar, a roughneck.

Facing the fact of a fear of failure
pray to God; ask others to help for sure.
With effort on your end, you’ll find a cure.

 Focus on the freedom you can achieve
 when your irrational fear goes on leave. 

January 22, 2023

This is a reasonnet -  four tercets rhymed AAA,BBB,CCC,DDD, and a couplet rhymed EE.  I have used pentameter, but that is not required according to the creator of this form, Reason A. Poteet  (yes, that's me).

Copyright © Reason A. Poteet


Book: Reflection on the Important Things