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Best Poems Written by Phia Mosley

Below are the all-time best Phia Mosley poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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That golden arrow
And flickering flame
Ceases the tigers rage 
But not forever
No not forever  the tiger will grow like the fire one day
And shine like that golden powerful arrow

Tiger tiger
you can not be trapped in such a feeble way
And you  know that
you are patiently waiting to rise
And I fear plenty for the trappers
I know for myself that this tiger 
Does not pity
Tiger tiger
This cage of light will be destroyed
You are in no way forced to stay here just dreaming of what could be
Wishing upon stars tiger
This isn’t you
Your stripes have an illusionary power
Tiger tiger
Your eyes pierce the surface of the sky
Your lonliness will spread among the earth like an endless fog
But you will never admit it to the world 
Because the war is not over until you have won
Tiger tiger
You are life in and of itself 
You are light in it’s simplest form
Tiger tiger
The tears you shed,
Are powerful tears of not sadness
But anger
You will escape this cage 
I do not fear for you
And although you and I are close
I know that one day you are bound to escape
And never look back once
I cannot follow you 
It is not my life style
You cannot stay it is not yours either
But by fate we are bound to met again at least once before we die 
At least once is nice
Just fine
So when I return
And you have disappeared leaving nothing but your collar
In your place
I will not be saddened
I will not shed a tear
Because you will be happy
Tiger tiger
May you live in peace
Free forever under the firelight sky pounding the earth with your legs
And running as far as you wish
Forever and away
Tiger tiger

Copyright © Phia Mosley | Year Posted 2012

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Two Worlds

The two hearts can never live in one body
Two souls can never bore one  heart
When two worlds collide they will dance around each other
Testing and pushing
As a person crossing the street sees a car driving down  the same street
One must draw back to let the other pass
And respect the boundaries of the other
So that two worlds will never collide
And diminish the broken harmony
That makes the world go round as it does
Like two dancers interpreting each others moves
So that the dance will reach perfection
Slowing down when the other slows down
Speeding up when the other speeds up
Dancing as one to move with the other person
And still move as themselves
Two worlds will never last long as one
They may last together unaware of each others existence
But they will never last as one
When two worlds collide a balance is broken
Strings are pulled
Barriers are broken and the thin line between
Good and evil
Becomes even thinner and thiner
Until it is no longer recognizable by either side
It is the curse of humanity
We are all participants in the endless triffles created
We are participants by being human
We make mistakes
We hurt eachother and ourselves
We hate
We love
We try
We ruin so much just trying to bring ourselves up
Selfish we are
Ruining all that is natural
We judge others
And we are just as bad as the next person
We judge and we judge
And sometimes
We forget who we really are
We are each and all a part of one another
Whether we realize it or not
We are all the same
And for this we must hold on to all we have that is precious
The part of us that enables us to love one another
The beating heart that allows us to put someone else first
Alone we may feel sometimes
It is alone that we are never
As long as we love
We will never be alone
It is in the nature of us all
Not just to selfishly hate one another
But to selflessly love one another

Copyright © Phia Mosley | Year Posted 2012

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Dont Kid Yourself Sarah

Help me I beg to you
As I strangle in this endless night
Where I suffer from this curse
Where are the lands in which I swim for comfort
Let me sail away
You will never you entrap me
Make me a stranger in my own home
I want you out
I gnaw at my chains slowly each day
Gaining more and more life of my own
And spunk
Even people at work notice that I have been dying
Take your things to the curb
I promise you one day
I will smile down upon you from my window as you turn the keys in your car
And leave me forever
You are no light of mine
And when I build my self once again you will no longer be welcome
I hate that you hit me
And control every aspect of my life
I have hated it for the past seven years and every month I have said this
To myself
Yet every month I remain here
I finally stand to tell you this but you shut me down yet again
Maybe one day I will be able to fully stand
I think
But you are angry at me
So maybe
Maybe  in the next life time
When I rebuild what you’ve broken
And the last thing you say to me before I leave this world
Is what you’ve always said
“Don’t kid yourself Sarah”
And you are right I have been long destroyed there is
No rebuilding for me
If I am lucky there is no next lifetime

Copyright © Phia Mosley | Year Posted 2012

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I Will Never Love Again

I am a fighter
I don’t need anyone else
I sing a song all alone
From start to end
What need is there for someone in my life

For someone else to take hold of my heart
My precious heart and claw it apart
With claws I was never able to notice
When did you grow claws I will think
As my I sink into the deeps of the darkness
Regretting and being consumed by all of my mistakes
I made a mistake to love once
It wont happen again
So who do you think you are
Your not my type
To calm
To kind
And too innocent
To safe
I cant like you
Some people are simply meant to make an appearance in your life
And others are meant to stay a lifetime
I can tell right off the bat
That you will be an appearance
I know this with all of my heart
So why do I keep thinking this to myself repeatedly
You haunt me in my own mind
I don’t understand
“You must love him” someone says to me
And I dismiss the thought with a burning rage
How could she question that
I , that I
Me could love someone
I will not love him
I cant
I hate the sweet way he calls my name
And I hate his hearty laugh
I especially hate his long soft curls that entangles my fingers
I hate the way my heart pounds at the sight of him
I hate how sick the thought of being away too long makes me
I hate when he holds me and we lie together in the hot grass
So long that we begin to breath at the same pace
I hate that he stalks me in my own mind
I hate that I miss him
And I especially hate that I am wondering if he
Is wondering about me right now

Copyright © Phia Mosley | Year Posted 2012

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Stand strong  don’t cry
Or sink down on all fours
You are exactly who you need to be
You poor lovely canary
Beautiful inside out
Summer in its purest most beautiful form
Flap and sing
You were meant to be seen and not touched
Loved from a distance
Fragile but never hurt
That is your true nature
As far away as I am canary, no tree will block my view
It brings me warmth to see your yellow feathers
Every morning waking up to sunlight descending down on me
Using my window as a portal
Sing I always want you to sing
I will be there planted every day in the grass
Waiting for you to return to my fingers
Wandering alone in the dark but not afraid
Of the dark
Try you best to scale the earth one foot after the next
Avoid  predators but do not
Be afraid to face them
Because although small you are powerful
Your heart makes you big and heavy
No one can hold you back with wings like those
You are beautiful and strong being
Shining in your own light
They say your bones are fragile
Tell them its why you are a beautiful
They say you are easy to shoot down
Tell them you are brave and fast
They say you are too yellow
Tell them you are unique
don’t let anyone tell you anything different than what you are
Don’t let them decide how you feel about yourself
Remember you have tacked
Cages, hunters, predators, and still come this far
There is no better you that you can be
So always sing and don’t ever forget who you are

Copyright © Phia Mosley | Year Posted 2012

Details | Phia Mosley Poem


Love will always see you through
It will find you and
Rip you out from your darkest of times
The deadliest of places
It will aways find you and save you
If you let it
Because it is the immortal string that keeps us all going
So as long as you love 
in return you will find love
and as long as you love you will never have to face
the lonely tides of the world
on your own
love comes in all different shapes 
and forms 
love is a secret
that cannot be told
but can be shared

Copyright © Phia Mosley | Year Posted 2012

Details | Phia Mosley Poem

I Dont Mind Talking To Myself

I don’t mind talking to myself in the midst of the crowds
I don’t mind having friends that I don’t like
And that don’t like me
I don’t mind feeling like their talking about me
Behind my back
And that those smiles are sarcastic lies
Ribboned out
Just for the purpose of fooling me
I don’t mind feeling lost and alone
Even though im surrounded by people
If I minded I should walk away
I would eat lunch alone
I would go straight home from school
And gossip with myself
But how would that look
They would mock me more
I don’t mind being mocked
Ive been to every clique and yearly friends change
I cant help but hope my friend group changes again
I don’t mind being spoken to that way and subsiding
I don’t mind waiting for them
When they wont wait for me
I dont mind
I swear
It just bothers me…
A lot
But I don’t mind
Even when I cant smile in school
And daze out just to feel like
Im not here
And this isn’t my life
I really don’t mind talking to myself

Copyright © Phia Mosley | Year Posted 2012

Details | Phia Mosley Poem


Kiss the stars that you find
Because one may never come into view again
Hurt while you can
Because there is a lesson from hurting
Dream while you can
Because one day it will be to late
Accomplish while you can
Because you might be left in the dust
Be you while you can
Because you might end up loosing yourself forever
Wonder while you can
Because soon most of the answers will be clear and the fun will be over
Listen while you can
Because one day you will be the speaker
Love while you can
Now while it is innocent and a giddy feeling
Its true meaning could be lost to you
Live life preciously
because one day you will loose it

Copyright © Phia Mosley | Year Posted 2012

Details | Phia Mosley Poem


In her head there is a crowd and flashing lights
 every where as she dances in a world
That is all her own
There she is dancing and spinning around
in her large flowing white dress
the White sash spinning with a life of its own
Her ankle never fails her
It doesn’t crick once
She dances because its her right of life
Her passion
Her dream
Her escape
She calls it dream spinning
How could you ever stop her and pull her away
Look at the beauty of her face when she smiles on that dance floor
Shades of sunlight playing on her face in the darkest of winters
Her eyes bright with energy and love
She leaps and doesn’t ever seem to land
Her mouth stretches to a smile
and I realized she still hadn’t smiled once
With her mouth the entire time
Twirling and shining she sweats swinging around on the
Imaginary bars
She poses so hard her bones pop out
And she breathes heavily in and out trying to steady herself
She is beautiful  when she dances
Let her dance let the poor girl dance
Don’t take this away from her too
The tall large dirty man walks into the studio angrily
And yells at her to leave now
He asks why she came her without permission
Because he has banned her from dancing for ever
The fake crowd disapears along with the fake lights
A sullen look crosses her face as she changes into jeans
Pulling them up over the scars on her legs
And tracing the scars on her arms
He is angry hes had a long bad day at work
now she knew why her mother spent hours dancing
dancing away her life to the best of her ability
dont take away my dance she wants to beg
but it will have no effect
so she leaves with him and shuts off the studio lights
for good
with a faint fake promise of return

Copyright © Phia Mosley | Year Posted 2012

Details | Phia Mosley Poem


Always be true to the blue and purple river
That flows through your veins
Time will find you in the end when all is right
The curves of the world all spin to make things right
It’s all there right in front of you
And when you spot it you will realize it’s been there all right along
The answer
The right answer
It’s time for me to pick up
And move on
I realize that
I was never meant to be here in this place with you
It is time for us to break apart
And move on
To forget and remember the past we had that will forever tie us together
Maybe somehow
Somehow we will finally be able to get on with our lives
And dance apart on our own
Sorry But it seems
That at heart
Deep inside our hearts
we’ve been friends all along
And I knew
Yes I always knew
I simply never wanted to believe it
Because we had too much fun
It makes me sad to know that there will be no more
Cherry trees in our empty green forest
That time is actually moving on without us
That all we’ve built has died
And it was you
Not me but you
You didn’t see
That nothing is simply given away
What we had was built
And you never realized
You wanted to have a relationship
Without having to build one
Sorry  things don’t work that way
So let us forget and remember when the air isn’t so murky
Between us
There is much more meaning to our lives
If we are forever apart
I’m sorry 
I presume
That is the way the universe wants it to be
I believe
W e ended because there was something greater in store for us
The universe had plans for us
And our alliance interrupted it all
And so the universe wishes
So it shall be
So it has happened so it shall stay
Forever and ever
We are simply never to be
And now I am okay with it
Strange as it is
I do not miss you
I miss the fun we had together
I miss the way you looked at me
But I do not miss looking at you
I miss the way you held me
But I do not miss holding you
I am wicked for this
Very wicked
I’m sorry 
So now that it has all ended
I kiss it all goodbye
And where did it all go?
It went Forever and away with the wind
Ended to never be restarted again
Clamored burned to ashes
Never to be revived, and shredded away
Over the river floating away towards the sun
If you think way back
You will find its ashes, and pieces
But you will never find it whole
Because you cannot discover what is non existent
I’m sorry 
But you and I
We were never really existent
In my heart
I realized
And we should never be that way
Because we were always simply friends
At heart

Copyright © Phia Mosley | Year Posted 2012


Book: Reflection on the Important Things