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theantwritespoetry - all messages by user

3/9/2023 7:09:40 AM
Critique please! I wish somebody would’ve told me

I wish somebody would’ve told me
That the world never ends
Even when you want it to.
When a black hole swallows you up
On the spot
When an earthquake leaves you cracked and bleeding
When a wave covers you and you drown
In a sea of deep dark pain.
The world goes on,
It keeps moving, keeps spinning,
Leaving you behind.
I wish somebody would’ve told me
That screaming is it’s own natural disaster
Yelling into the void of moving bodies,
Is taking a magnifying glass to an ant hill
And burning it down
Pain spreads the farther your voice carries
As you watch your pain burn down the world,
Then you open your eyes and no one has heard you
The scream never left your bloody lips
I wish somebody would’ve told me
That disasters don’t count
When they happen in your brain.
3/9/2023 9:31:58 AM
The Rougarou The Rougarou

Somebody told me
To put thirteen shiny Pennies
On my window sill.
To ward away
The Rougarou
They say he can’t count past twelve
Being dim
So he just keeps counting
The Rougarou does,
Over and over
Until the sun hits his back
Scaring him back to the shadows
I put out the pennies
For the Rougarou
Just as I was told
But the sun never shines
In my darkened depression
So the Rougarou
Never left.
3/9/2023 9:36:18 AM
Performing the Warrior It's really good! very good job portraying emotion through description, I think it might be interesting if you changed this poem to second person
3/9/2023 9:40:08 AM
Hey everyone Hi guys! I'm the Ant, I write poems that feel to personal to share anywhere but the interenet
3/10/2023 6:22:48 AM
Critique please! Thank you, that means a lot
3/15/2023 8:32:11 AM
"Mind" please tell me what you think Mind

Tic tic tic
Go the seconds on the clock
And the rustling of papers
“Someone please say stop!”
“I am trapped inside a nightmare”
“I am trapped inside my head”
“I’m filled with millions of equations”
“Was it something that I said?”

Tic tic tic
“Goes the clock I cannot hear”
“Because I’m floating and I’m sinking”
“I am drowning in my fear”
“I am screaming and I’m crying”
And nobody can tell
On the outside
All is perfect
“In my head I’m stuck in hell”
I am calm and I’m collected
I am joyous and secure
“In my head I know I’m lying”
“Although my reasons are unsure”

Tic Tic Tic
And the clock keeps ticking
All the voices getting louder
“And I know there’s something missing”
Everything is moving faster
Everything is slowing down
“If I scream and no one's listening”
“Do I even make a sound?”
A millions things have happened
“But it’s all inside my brain”
“It finally has happened”
“I have finally gone insane”
We all have tried to reach you
But you just can’t hear
The clock will still be ticking without you here
4/11/2023 10:07:58 AM
"A Look Inside my Psyche" -The Ant Tic tic tic
Go the seconds on the clock
And the rustling of papers
“Someone please say stop!”
“I am trapped inside a nightmare”
“I am trapped inside my head”
“I’m filled with millions of equations”
“Was it something that I said?”

Tic tic tic
“Goes the clock I cannot hear”
“Because I’m floating and I’m sinking”
“I am drowning in my fear”
“I am screaming and I’m crying”
And nobody can tell
On the outside
All is perfect
“In my head I’m stuck in hell”
I am calm and I’m collected
I am joyous and secure
“In my head I know I’m lying”
“Although my reasons are unsure”

Tic Tic Tic
And the clock keeps ticking
All the voices getting louder
“And I know there’s something missing”
Everything is moving faster
Everything is slowing down
“If I scream and no one's listening”
“Do I even make a sound?”
A millions things have happened
“But it’s all inside my brain”
“It finally has happened”
“I have finally gone insane”
We all have tried to reach you
But you just can’t hear
The clock will still be ticking without you here.
4/12/2023 10:45:41 AM
"A Look Inside my Psyche" -The Ant Thank You!
4/26/2023 10:48:24 AM
Critique please! Beautiful Poem, definitely share it!
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