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Best Poems Written by Laila Andresen Mjelde

Below are the all-time best Laila Andresen Mjelde poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I Sit On the Toilet

I sit on the toilet...
planning my choice of clothing,
hairstyle, makeup and daily chores.
Using my eyeliner for writing
a reminder to myself on the toiletpaper,
and make me complete.
Leaving the bathroom aware that 
I used my reminder and flushed it down
the toilett.
                                        HMMMM, what was my daily chores...?
                                                       /           \
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Copyright © Laila Andresen Mjelde | Year Posted 2012

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My Darling Valentine


                                   Oh my darling Valentine,
                                how you make my days o shine.
                                    It must have been faith,
                                   that led me to your gate.
                                All things we achived together,
                    makes me not to leave because of stormy weather.
                                  In the name of love I pray,            
                                     for both of us to stay.
                                Together we are standing tall,
                              and never for us to feeling small.
                                 You do never have to fear, 
                                   I always will be you near!

Written by Eirik Andresen Mjelde
A tribute and best wishes to my wife
Laila Andresen Mjelde on Valentinesday!


for dd's contest "enter any left over valentine poem you have....Any valentine poem will do"

Copyright © Laila Andresen Mjelde | Year Posted 2012

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Mirror Mirror

Mirrror, mirror and the wall, 
who is the biggest clown in the world.
The lost soul in a fantasy
where the games brings you into a state of passion and pain, 
which eventually will drive you insane.
She is affected by the perfect outer everybody wants.
Who is the perfect bimbo on the red carpet and the catwalk.
Behind her mask, 
who is this "role model girlfriend" that she wants to be alike.
Who is she, tell her!
The world is created in an illusion of the perfect exterior, 
creating fear of being different, 
or not to be like the "other woman" on the catwalk, 
with the false appearance created by others.
Don't walk alone, and hide your skin and bones, 
can see her on the screen, do hear her scream? 
She is the one being pushed and change to the clown, 
but inside, the clown is dead, 
the laughter is gone, behind this mask,
she is only human, a person who feels like you and me, 
it's the masqueradeball.
She feels like the fool lost of the game.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the biggest clown in the world, 
what about to morrow, when the dream becomes reality?

Copyright © Laila Andresen Mjelde | Year Posted 2012

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My Rock

I rushed into the world a bit too fast.
I was the first and only child my mother bore,
so this was big news for her.
I was not big, got room in a hand.
A loving hand that gave me confidence, strength
and love.
Confidence, strength and love only a mother can give.
I was little and weak, but I fought hard.
I was able to cling to life and grow me big.
But this is thanks to you my mom that gave me 
confidence, strength and love.

Dedicated to my mom

Copyright © Laila Andresen Mjelde | Year Posted 2012

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Feel Sexy

Long soft gentle strokes confidence
                                                  on fire that makes you feel sexy
                                                              red nail polish

Entered contest by: SandyIvy Davis 
Natural/nature sexy Haiku

11/10/2012 Laila Andresen M.

Copyright © Laila Andresen Mjelde | Year Posted 2012

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I belived angels only exists in heaven,
but that is not true, just look around you.
They are everywhere....
Big and small, high and low, young and old, light and dark, all of them with their different form. 

Light wings, dark wings, worn wings, broken wings,
shaggy wings, colourful wings, trembling wings, bright wings,
mat wings, playful wings, busy wings, self-absorbed wings.

Happy eyes, kind eyes, evil eyes, tired eyes, sore eyes, eyes that have experienced a lot,
colourful eyes, frighten eyes, bright eyes, old eyes, busy eyes and greedy eyes....

There is an angel in us all, we just have different baggage with us....

Entered Gail Doyle's contest Touched by an angel 03/26/2012

Copyright © Laila Andresen Mjelde | Year Posted 2012

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The Black Crow

It's always a black crow, already in kindergarten.
The one that will always have the nicest, newest
and most shiny toys.

It's always a black crow in school, it is he who
cries out the highest and makes lots of noise 
and bustle.

It's always a black crow at the workplace,
it is he who pushed the most, hoes on the others
and thinks he knows best.

It's always a black crow in the neighborhood, 
who inspects the street and think that his crow's
nest is best.

It's always a black crow in the circle of friends,
which flutters with his wings and takes the whole
show, but it is the one who ends up with none!

Entered poetrysoup's contest 06.06.2012

Copyright © Laila Andresen Mjelde | Year Posted 2012

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The Storm

The storm roars and exhale
                                              is it Mother Earth last convulsions

Copyright © Laila Andresen Mjelde | Year Posted 2012

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Happy Birthday Mom

Here are my poem in Norwegian: (translation in English comming down below)

Du blir et år eldre
og du har gjort det med stil
Sekundene tikker
tiden er inne
du går inn i ett nytt år
med håp i sinnet

Tid for ettertanke
på året som gikk
drømmer som knuste
alt du ikke fikk

Men alt det gode
må du ikke glemme
alle de rundt deg
som er glad i deg
her hjemme

Nytt år, nye muligheter
er det noen som sier
nye sjanser feires
med store seremonier
Vi feirer deg og året
som nettopp har gått
og at du har klart deg
så flott

Du er verdens beste
mor og mormor
og du fortjener det beste
Derfor jeg som din datter
prøver mitt beste
på å få sagt det meste
i et dikt til deg

gratulerer med dagen mamma
jeg elsker deg 

Here are my poem in English: (hope you enjoy)

You are a year older
and you do it with style
seconds ticking
the time is right
you enter a new year
with hope in your mind

Time for reflection
the past year
dreams shattered
everything you did not receive

But all the good
do not forget
all those around you
who loves you at

New year, new opportunities
There are some who say
new chances celebrated
with large ceremonies
We celebrate you and the year
that have just gone
and that you have managed you
so great

You are the best
mother and grandmother
and you deserve the best
Therefore I, as your daughter
trying my best
to say most
in a poem for you

happy birthday mum
I love you


Copyright © Laila Andresen Mjelde | Year Posted 2012

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Mr Anxiety Man Knocked On Your Door

Mr. Anxiety man knocked on your door,
you opened, and there he was. 
You slammed the door and then you realize he was still there. 
He looked you in the eye, he watched you run, 
you tried to hide. 
Your heart almost stopped, 
you tried to scream, 
but your anxiety made you freeze. 
You have faced the beast before, 
but now before you managed to close the door, 
he got his foot inside, again. 
You closed your eyes and feelings, 
to tell yourself that this is just your imagination, 
your mind is just playing with you, but for you it's real! 
You feel that he comes creeping up from behind and takes over you body, 
your body starts to shiver as if he were a ghost, 
your internal fights resumes, you fight for your life inside. 
This is all his fault, the Mr. Anxiety man! 
You are blaming him for that your tears taste so salty. 
He transforms the finest rose to a faded stalk. 
You will kill him in the end, you're just not ready yet. 
Then it will be quiet again. 
You've killed him once before!

Laila Andresen Mjelde

entered Gail Doyle's contest Stranded or A Ghost Story Of Your Choice Any horror movie!!!

Copyright © Laila Andresen Mjelde | Year Posted 2012


Book: Shattered Sighs