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Famous Dave Barry, Dave Barry In Cyberspace Quotations

Best famous Dave Barry, Dave Barry In Cyberspace quotations. Find, read, and share the best famous quotations by Dave Barry, Dave Barry In Cyberspace. These are the most popular quotations and best examples of quotes by Dave Barry, Dave Barry In Cyberspace.

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Quote Left It can take quite a while for a Web page to appear on your screen. The reason for the delay is that, when you type in a Web address, your computer passes it along to another computer, which in turn passes it along to another computer, and so on through as many as 5 computers before it finally reaches the work station of a disgruntled U.S. Postal Service employee, who throws it in the trash. Quote Right
Quote Left You should use the preceding terms whenever you have to 'interface'¹ with computer experts. For example, if you're purchasing a new computer, you want to use as many of these terms as possible, so that store personnel will realize that they're dealing with a person who has a high level of technical expertise: STORE PERSONNEL: May I help you? YOU: I'm looking for a 'hard drive' with plenty of 'RAM' in the 'megahertz.' STORE PERSONNEL: You want the computer store next door. This is a supermarket. YOU: Let me see your 'zucchini.' Quote Right
Quote Left A:>hello bad command or file name A:>help bad command or file name A:>do somthing! bad command or file name A:> F#$k you!!!! bad command or file name, A#@hole Quote Right
Quote Left Internet people love acronyms because they make communication much more efficient, as we can see from the following typical conversation: Person A: What's up? Person B: Not much. Person A: LOL. HEFY? Person B: ROTFL. Person C: PMFJ, but IMHO, OJIOGBUOLSWMR TJVAIFWNTMITSI HDHGCOAC. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs