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Famous Catherine E Beecher Quotations

Best famous Catherine E Beecher quotations. Find, read, and share the best famous quotations by Catherine E Beecher. These are the most popular quotations and best examples of quotes by Catherine E Beecher.

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Quote Left Unusual precocity in children, is usually the result of an unhealthy state of the brain; and, in such cases, medical men would now direct, tha... Quote Right
Quote Left In civil and political affairs, American women take no interest or concern, except so far as they sympathize with their family and personal fr... Quote Right
Quote Left ... much less time should be given to school, and much more to domestic employments, especially in the wealthier classes. A little girl may be... Quote Right
Quote Left ... all education must be unsound which does not propose for itself some object; and the highest of all objects must be that of living a life ... Quote Right
Quote Left How many young hearts have revealed the fact that what they had been trained to imagine the highest earthly felicity was but the beginning of ... Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things