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Best Poems Written by Lodigiana Poetess

Below are the all-time best Lodigiana Poetess poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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And Then the Sun Danced

When our human nature, in conflict, asks us to look beyond 
the visible, the believable ,the  impossible
I look to my soul for guidance, solace and reassurance 
To understand the Omnipotent , praise it and know it
…And then the  sun danced

Opening my mind to recognise without doubt where You exist.
Knowing that You inhabit even the smallest crevasse of the highest mountains
and the shell strewn ocean floor teeming with unseen beauty in the perpetual dusk.
The heavens alight above as well as  in splendid  darkness
….And then the sun danced

You are manifest  in every miracle of life You  ever called into existence and we the custodians.
In every unexpected smile from a child, that lights even the most hardened heart.
When we sing and see in the listeners eyes a connection to a deeper sentiment
and  acknowledge  Him for talents  bestowed, however great or small…
…..And then the sun danced 

I hear You….. in the  silence of every thought that wanders, yet always returns to you.
I feel You……. as you touch my soul filling it with appreciation  for those precious to me.
I sense the wisdom granted to know right from wrong.
I know You……. by  the value you place on me and gratitude overwhelms me
 allowing me to rejoice in  all of this.. 
………. And  then  the sun danced

Copyright © Lodigiana Poetess | Year Posted 2017

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Love Beyond Wealth

Sometimes dreams can be opaque,
I stay asleep but want to wake.
Dreams can often feel unreal,
but I feel numb - yet want to feel

Dreams are often black and white,
things you know that should be right
take  on a new morality,
Not looking like they ought to be.

A dream can lie, convince you to
believe bad things are fine to do.
We tend to talk of dreams as though
If they're fulfilled our lives will grow.

Yet, in my own reality
that's not how it affected me.
I dreamt for years of wealth and fame,
and happy when at last  both came.

I didn't know the price I'd pay
 when one thing comes -one goes away.
The love of riches makes you blind,
true valuables are hard to find.

Instead of working night and day
I should have looked the other way,
and seen that I was  always rich
instead became a grasping bitch.

I didn't even see you go..
Too filled with greed to even know
that riches of the valued kind,
are ones more difficult to find

I had before me love so sweet,
the one who made my life complete.
Who didn't care for fancy stuff,
just having me would be enough.

But through my dreams, I became blind,
and sought the stuff we all can find...
But lost the thing that's beyond wealth,
my dreams,my love, my heart, myself.

Copyright © Lodigiana Poetess | Year Posted 2017

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Inconceivable Imagination

A gift bestowed before birth, but smothered over millennia
and rendered  by nature, a weakened thing  making  you fearful .
Removing any passion  needed to forge ahead…ahead  into an unknown future…
Imagination opens your mind to see futures before they become reality,
because all things are possible with imagination.
The hypnotic, mysterious sound of the Hunchback whales oceanic song,
weaving it’s mellifluous magic through every brain synapses.
To be stored in your heart memory forever
and to be awestruck with a beauty that exists within your mind.
Marvelling at the ‘Stone of the Sky god ‘its origin and power to remain so still, so mysterious.
To consider the how? why? When? of it’s being…
all possibilities you can create…
The wonder of the sparkling carpet created by synchronous fireflies’
building stories in your secret thoughts of magic and illusion.
And what of the dumb silence of the Mexican mapini? You give it a voice, words
A life, existence..
Knowing that all things are possible with imagination and yet….
finding impossibility in imagining how God can love, care and know everyone who was ,
is or ever will be…
But all things are possible with imagination…
Give me imagination to hold close and to feed my soul with endless
possibilities of unimagined miracles.. and an eventual destiny.

Copyright © Lodigiana Poetess | Year Posted 2017

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The New Girl

Say my name - just say it....
roll the sounds around your tongue.
Fashion your lips - to expel the breath-to create the word...
Just once look my way, not in that' just having a look around' way but seek me out...hold my gaze....just for a second..but long enough for  me to perceive it..
Let that glorious light of recognition illuminate your dark and impenetrable eyes, seeing the passion kindling in mine and knowing you have a power over me....
Feel the nape of your neck begin to shiver with anticipation of warm lips brushing that delicious spot you find irresistible, 
And as you walk past, brush my shoulder languidly....
Leave a lingering memory of your presence -Gucci 'Guilty Absolute'...are you ready to take a leap of faith? 
To smile and say 'hello you're new aren't you'
Show me the coffee machine!- point out the fire exit!-  ask me to dinner...anything ...but see me...just see me
All I ever see is you......

Copyright © Lodigiana Poetess | Year Posted 2017

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Seeking Exculpation

To wake each morning and begrudge
 the daylight  intruding  into that life..again.
To feel desolate that once more no prayers were answered,
despite frantic, blind pleadings for an unending sleep.
To know that again, the charade continues,with firstly the 
unwelcome  reflection in a mirror of life.
A mirror  that mimics a steadfast smile that all the world sees.
A mind so fogged by perceived imperfections that it warrants 
no respect, no countenance.
A life unblessed by the joy  and love a family can bring.
Stagnation touching everything... .a fetid life  with no escape or respite
Constant, black webbing,tangles every worthwhile thought enmeshing it so completely, it surrenders without a whimper.
Pushing aside the voice playing constant within....with just one single word...why?
Why is there  a blackness nothing can alieviate? 
This  vacuity of emotion that notwithstanding seems  to cover the very ground being trod upon.
Each  step compressing it further into the earth,to live within the dank,coldness of lost souls,
No remedy for this..
No possible return to ‘normal’
Life is a pastime, now outgrown,and the desire is solely for the game to end.
Frantic scouring to find a method, sure,clean,quick.
Heaven is a long way  from any thoughts , only the eternal fire plays centre stage...
But maybe that is better than the numbing emptyness of this life...
Pontius  Pilot supplications,
seeking  a solution absolving blame from my hands to rendering me non culpable, 
yet still with the aim of oblivion magnificently achieved.
This my desired fait accompli.
The day has just begun, 
maybe the prayers will be answered tonight ,
but if not 
then purgatory continues 
and is relentlessly eternal..

Copyright © Lodigiana Poetess | Year Posted 2017

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This Ambiguous State

Through a veil of gossamer obscurity.
Passing thoughts in chaotic chorus diminishing the ordered regime.
No place for the  mundane to dwell.
Who sees it? Who knows it?
Who lives through the manic,hypomanic and the depressive?
Each dawning brings  a new perspective seen through bevelled glass,
but changeable, within a hairs breath to the opposing view.
Colours that invade the exploring mind...brightest vermillion, sunburnt sienna and luminescence becomes  a carpet ride...
Always halted  unexpected and  irrevocably..falling down to earth from their magical journey.
Into the abyss once more..endless velvet softness...a motionless sea of black despair waiting, waiting to carry you nowhere but  oh so  slowly......
Who sees inside that head? Who can replace the extremes? The impassioned joy ...the crippling grief 
All felt within the day, the hour, the moment....
Chemical control, desensitizes you until you become  what society can handle, docile,opinionless,impotent,....normal
Bipolar  is cold,arctic,bleak and distant
Bipolar is my child......

Copyright © Lodigiana Poetess | Year Posted 2017

Book: Shattered Sighs