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Best Poems Written by Giovanni Maria Riccio Tommaso

Below are the all-time best Giovanni Maria Riccio Tommaso poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Laughing Lady Frights

I hadn’t noticed before now
that her smile was painted on
accented with deep crimson lipstick
her eyes too seemed to gaily laugh
outlined in black to pop out from
her pale languid hanging flesh

a perfect piñata ready to be smashed
what goodies lie within her bloated
face void staring out into the world
I can almost hear the carnival barker
three tries a quarter come now come
one & all come & see the life revealed

while in the shadows lurk the clowns
within the trailer long & winding down
into the pit into the swirl as water rushes
gurgling past boat & sailor at half mast
she poses in front of us bigger than life
scaring heck out of us before doors open

Copyright © Giovanni Maria Riccio Tommaso | Year Posted 2016

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Our Sacred Duty

we are created to reside in heaven

we are created to be new creatures

we are created for sainthood

it is our duty to strive to go back home

we are created men & women of God

we are created to be His beloved sons

we are created to believe & know of Him

it is our duty to strive to go back home

we must choose to be good & loving

we must choose to be courageous & strong

we must choose heaven where we belong

it is our duty to strive to go back home

there’s no greater death than being lost in the

whims & whiles of wanton ticklish philosophy

where hearing & reciting are of feigned intellect

it is our duty to strive to go back home

for they change at a moment’s notice these histrionics

reminding us to duty to avoid sin & sham & the flim-flam

let us rise above the natural to the supernatural

it is our duty to strive to go back home

we are called to be other than what we are

we live in a time that is lost to purity

we live in a time that is lost to love

it is our duty to strive to go back home

so many people play at this holiness

so many self deceive to make it all right

only to finally choose insanity as a way out

instead of calling to duty to strive to go back home

Copyright © Giovanni Maria Riccio Tommaso | Year Posted 2020

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is the state of being a mother

it is an all loving & all giving

all encompassing concept

of untiring mental physical & spiritual reality

& once a woman understands the concept

& is fortunate to receive & accept this vocation

because she wants to raise a family out of love

she is called upon to love & nurture that family

& to see to it her children are kept from harm

taught how to love & to be loved

educated by example on how to treat others

that they may see how they are to be treated

it is a mother’s duty to see her children become

the best they can be & to strive to be good

to become saints for God for they are flesh & blood

the flesh & blood of their parents in oneness of being

spirits & souls who are who & what they will become

every woman has this potential in spark to motherhood

not every woman is called to actually take up this cross

for it is a lifelong state one of hard work & rational love

for the state of motherhood is permanent & is constant

it is not a state to be toyed with in its truth & sincerity 

all children need parents mothers are waiting in love

Copyright © Giovanni Maria Riccio Tommaso | Year Posted 2020

Details | Giovanni Maria Riccio Tommaso Poem

Rock of Faith


grant us

to have freely

the gift

the gift of the grace of faith

& let us not

be so arrogant

as to believe

in our own pride

that we can self-illuminate

our own minds

our own hearts

our own souls

our own strength & courage

by our own spirits

for our souls live 

in utter darkness

& cannot receive light

no matter the effort

or the toil expended

for darkness illuminated

by darkness is darker still

O Lord light of the world

light of mankind the human race

O Light of light divine

make us humble in our faith

that we may accept Your gift of faith

freely & without any reservations

abandoning all into Your care & wisdom

unearned graciously received eternally

Copyright © Giovanni Maria Riccio Tommaso | Year Posted 2020

Book: Shattered Sighs