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Best Poems Written by T'is Not Important

Below are the all-time best T'is Not Important poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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My Head Is a Monster

My head is a monster my monster's a head
it's clawing and tearing my right mind to shreds

My heart is a devil, it fights just for hell
my lovesick affection is not doing well

My lungs are my prison, they keep me held in
they won't let me breath nor escape panic's din

My feet are my anchor, which should keep me from frowning
but anchors are not very helpful when drowning

Copyright © Anna Nomaly | Year Posted 2016

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I've watched you brush off flies for years
Sometimes allowing them to linger and feed off your sweetness
Sometimes swatting them into splattered spots

I am happy to be your butterfly as you tell me, though I fear I will just be another fly.

You keep my wings painted, and I will keep the vomit off my hands

This love that keeps the flowers blooming

Copyright © Anna Nomaly | Year Posted 2022

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Preferable Pain

Different pains can be preferable
Though all hurts
Though all hurts deep
There are different 
Stinging, high pitched and sour screams
Burning, low boiled growling
Sharp, a swift high jab
emotional, psychological
My psyche hurts
My emotions burn
My soul stings
My despair is sharpened
None can be seen
no evidence given
no one forgiven
My psyche HURTS 
The warmth between hypothermia and death
warm and soft
to sleep
sleep is the only relief
there is but one other waking relief
Pain is relief
a jolt
a shock
that punches you out of the emotions you're drowning in
just a gasp
but it's preferable to drowning
a gasp
a slap-in-the-face-wake-up gasp
I can't breath
a gasp

Copyright © Anna Nomaly | Year Posted 2016

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He deserves such softness. 
Bony hips bruised on the corners of card tables and rough edges
Three different lifetimes worn through his young skin.
Skin bruised beyond its years and demanded tougher every day. 

He shall be anointed with the softness of my palms and fingertips
May my lips show him his hunger and thirst is all that matters
The folds and curved edges in my mirror were overfilled in my mind
But it is not my mind that needs cushioning
It is his.

I will be his softness. Whether to lay a tired head upon, or to devour hungrily.
Like a peach, my skin, too, breaks easily, and he may tear into my sweet flesh
But for once, I can see him nourishing himself
And I can be his softness.

Copyright © Anna Nomaly | Year Posted 2022

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Death Blue

I saw him coming, my old friend Death 
His eyes were not wrathful but also not Kind
He simply looked up at the sky so Blue 
Asked me if I was doing quite Well
I told him I wasn’t ready to be Dead
He said to be calm and step onto the Ship

I stepped onto the dock of a large white Ship 
Behind following closely was the figure of Death
I asked if this was a ship for the Dead
He told me this vessel was a different Kind
One humanity knew all too Well
And I should watch the great expanse of Blue

We sailed out further enveloped in Blue
Was it ocean or sky? I couldn’t tell from the Ship
The size seemed to fluctuate from sea to Well
I tried to get some clarity from Death
But he simply said watch, his eyes now Kind
It was time for the flashback given to the Dead 

Funny, he told me I wasn’t Dead
Made this seem like a joyride in the Blue 
I guess he was trying to be Kind
Luring me with lies onto this Ship
But I guess I saw through Death
I know him all too Well
I know he only means Well
I knew deep down I was headed for Dead
I focused my attention back to the face of Death
He told me once more to look into the Blue
I watched my life pass from the dock of the Ship
I took solace in knowing at least I was Kind

I watched my memories, of every Kind
I think in life I had done Well
I was ready to leave the Ship
I was ready to join the Dead
I was ready to dive into the Blue
I was ready to embrace Death

Death sent me off with a smile quite kind
With a well-executed jump, I abandoned Ship
And joined the dead in the peaceful Blue

Copyright © Anna Nomaly | Year Posted 2018

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Song of the Lonely Siren

Can you see me or not, for I am Lost
I only feel salt and quick burning sting
Can you follow me into the ocean
I know you are used to light, not the dark
And I know your hands hold fire, not this cold
Please come, for this toiled storm is my home
It’s with a heavy heart I label home
For it was much too long I was lost
I fought for fire, to rid myself of cold
No matter the heat my skin still would sting
I am only a creature of the dark
I hang my hat only in the ocean
The sweet siren song of the lost ocean
Long since called me from my broken home
That was when I was still scared of the dark
I was pulled into the night so lost
The only words cast upon me would sting
I yearned to nest in the fire, not cold
Ridicule rained down on my heart so cold
The girl with the eyes that sprayed like the ocean
I still don’t understand why my tears sting
Perhaps they were trying to lead me home
Scorched by my foes my eyes knew they were lost
They longed for me to find peace in the dark

It’s hard for you to see me in this dark
I see your lips turn blue and fingers cold
I am hoping that you are also lost
And you can find a home in my ocean
My dearest, do you already know your home?
My, how such a revelation would sting
It is fine, dear, I am used to the sting
You know my heart lies only in the dark
I have stolen you from your firey home
I hoped that, like me, your heart was too cold
I was wrong, you are now drowning in my ocean
I have become the reason you are lost
Lovers- don’t chase tempests into the cold
I just longed for a friend in this ocean
I have become the reason you are lost

Copyright © Anna Nomaly | Year Posted 2018

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The Poetry Slave

The poetry slave, ah that talented slave
she who utters sweet nothings with skill
That intelligent fool, ah that talented knave
the illiterate never have their fill

For her the pen dances, the ballet of the page
a grace that comes without any attention or focus
And though she is locked behind bar, behind cage
she is far to enraptured to notice

Tis a musicless song, a tintinnabulation
she conducts without music, without measure, and score
She gains with her verses such sweet admiration
yet still they insist upon more

The poetry slave, ah that talented slave
Forced to write without her consent
That intelligent fool, ah that talented knave
under lock and key but content

Copyright © Anna Nomaly | Year Posted 2016

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Just Laugh

I’m not sure if you’re real
You could just be a ghost
I speak of you 
I miss you too
Yet your presence lacks a host

We call, we text, but not enough
I fear its my fault but alack
The breaking of my heart
was when you did part
Without ever looking back

You held my hand but couldn’t see
The dragging scars you made
I want for your eyes
and never realize
There’s a debt you can never repay.

You can’t fix what you’ve broken
You tore me in half
Your shallow heart
twisted mine apart
Yet I fear to these words you’ll just laugh

Copyright © Anna Nomaly | Year Posted 2017

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The King's Lover

The hounds hungered but the queen wanted to bed
So she told the kind “the dogs need be fed!”
Rather than attending to this business
The king was caught with a mistress!
So the queen yelled “OFF WITH HIS HEAD!”

The jester soon entered (who had witnessed the smooches)
and said "such strange hairy lady! How she shuffles and scooches!
If I were to critique
with that grotesque physique
The king must have mistook her for one of the pooches!”

Copyright © Anna Nomaly | Year Posted 2016

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The Girl With Eyes As Black As Crows

On that night the moon seemed hidden from her starry brothers
The kind of night not suited for the fighters nor the lovers
I ventured out only to put out the low burning lamp
When there I saw a strange sight-
A wild and deranged sight
O it surely was a strange sight i saw lying in the dark and damp

I crept with caution as my thick boots crunched the gathering frost
The sky was a deeper purple as more light was slowly lost
Just above the horizon the light from the moon shone a single pearl
And I had to accept it
Yes, I had to accept it
Unable to reject it this; this lost and broken girl

Lying curled into herself and shivering in her too thin clothes
Clinging to life lay the girl with hair and eyes as black as crows
What would I do if it was my neglect that decided she would not live
I could not leave her here could I?
But I shouldn’t take her in should I?
But I could not leave her there could I? This was a sin they would not forgive.

Beneath an unforgiving moon that watched me from the darkened sky
I bit my tongue and held her close and rejoiced- she did not die
Back to health i restored this daughter of the night though to me she spoke no words
What will I do when they find her here
Because deep down I know they will find her here
O how to keep her safe when they find her here, that black eyed girl who speaks to birds

In this village town there are only two roads and my home rests far from both
I kept her here hidden from the townspeoples eyes as I watched and feared her growth
The crows never left now- not from my roof, my trees nor my skies
I know they followed her here
And I know they all confer here
Why must they follow her here, the girl with the blackness in her eyes.

I kept here in hiding as her twisted tongue learned more
She spoke to snakes and spiders but to me only stared, blank, at the floor
Some might find this telling of some evil deep and sure
But she was only good to me
Yes only ever good to me
I was to her, and her to me, but the town folk had noticed her

Winding through the pines we trod to find the nearest road
Just my horse and I, to get supplies, so into the town I rode
The town was ghostly quiet as it always was but with something wrong
I could feel them watching
From their windows some were watching
It was me that they were watching as I made my way along

The clerk was my target but the priest was where I struck
Barring my way quite subtly as he claimed our run-in “luck”
His eyes were cold and stormy concealing nothing of his heart
But what he said was chilling
To my deepest bones was chilling
His hands they reeked of killing as he asked of a strange girl seen near these parts

My countenance kept icy and my throat I cleared with pride
I informed the Father quickly that nothing had been spied
I met his eyes with calmness and he met mine with fire
For her safety alone I lied
She’s a stranger and I lied
Oh he knew that I lied, but called me good, and trusted me not a liar

I hurried from the priest and grabbed my flour and candlewax 
On a whim I thought foretelling I purchased a new and sharpened axe
His eyes seared my insides as he glared from the chapel gate
My eye was steely and steady
My words had been hard carved and ready
I was completely steady, but still he knew, and I was too late.

I rode along at just a trot until out of the small town’s sight
As soon as they could not see me I cracked the reins to my horse’s fright
The air was numbing my white gripped hands and the horse was caked in mud
I had to go faster
We had to go faster
Oh to outrun the old bastard, a man of God that wanted blood

I arrived to the sight of hundreds of crows and of snakes that slithered and hissed
The black eyed girl sat staring with serpents language on her lips
I grabbed her hand and dragged her in from the ocean of evil at shore
I barricaded the doors
I heard the fires roar 
I heard the gruff men roar as they marched to their own holy war

I heard the priest with madness in his voice as he choked out his holy decree
Screaming that witches burn in this town and he’ll be damned if they’re hidden by me
The torches glowed like stars in a purple clad mad mob
They were breaking the door down
God the were breaking the door down
They grabbed pulled and boud, and i could only watch with terror and start to sob

She remained in the house as they once more locked the door
They set the house ablaze as they called her witch and whore
I wept and fire reflected in my eyes, the girl burning within my walls
Then screams began piercing
Dear god they were piercing
Snakes and the crows piercing,  as they flew bit and crawled

I covered my head and I wept and I screamed
The beasts of the night attacked the mob as they began to bleed
The wails of the black eyed girl melted into the night
I knew they wouldn’t forgive 
Of course they couldn’t forgive
I just wanted her to live but she was consumed by the fiery light

Time passed but I could never tell you how just how long
I finally lifted my head to melancholy sound of a sad crows song
I gasped and choked sick to my stomach as i saw the blood soaked ground
They were all dead
They were all dead
All but me were dead and not a single unpecked eye could be found

Green veins from snake venom painted their skin where they lay sprawled
Eyeless and bloodied and from their mouths spiders crawled
I looked to the pile of ash where my house used to stand
She was gone
It was gone
She was gone, her remains only cinders fine as swift and flowing sand

The crows and serpents remained still sitting vigil for their queen
In my own pain I could not help wonder what for them this loss would mean
They followed her to battle as they follow wherever she goes
Will they stop now
Is their life done now
Now that they avenged her, the girl with hair and eyes as black as crows

Copyright © Anna Nomaly | Year Posted 2019


Book: Shattered Sighs