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Best Poems Written by Brinks Payne

Below are the all-time best Brinks Payne poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Details | Brinks Payne Poem

Broad Shoulders

Your born with broad shoulders.
Yet, may wither once older.
The worlds weight on your back,
Will remain like a tack.
This is the way life goes on,
Do not look to frown apon.
Being happy is the key,
Once you reach this you'll see. 
Your not meant to just smolder,
Your born with broad shoulders.
Made to give and not receive,
Acts of greed will just deceive.
Ride the waves for the moment,
Being the best component.
Once your great story is heard,
You will not be deferred.
Destiny will never lie,
Righteouness will soon defy.
As the world becomes colder,
Stand strong with your broad shoulders.

Copyright © Brinks Payne | Year Posted 2015

Book: Reflection on the Important Things