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Best Poems Written by Michelle Devon

Below are the all-time best Michelle Devon poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Primal, basal, beyond my awareness
How could I have been so careless
I let the line between real and fantasy
Become clouded through my jealousy
The fire rose, consumed, burned away
And left the ashes in its wake
I still search for just one burning ember
To reawaken feelings of forever
But destruction is all around
I fall to my knees, hit the ground

Can you hear me scream?

Blatant, cold, and calculating
Every part of this wrapped up in hating
The one who did this thing to me
Imprisoned when I was set free
The water rises, to wash away
All the promises we once made
If still one ember ever burned
It burns no more, lesson learned
Still destruction is all around
And I can’t lift myself from off the ground

Can you see me cry?

Detached, impartial, contemplating
Why am I here, why am I waiting
Just what am I waiting for
A broken window, an open door
A key to tell me who I am
So I can learn to live again
Without the fear, without regret
To bring back balance and pay the debt
To clear debris from hallowed ground
Unchained, but broken, I am bound

Can you feel my battle?

Copyright © Michelle Devon | Year Posted 2007

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One Truth

What kind of love is strong enough
To stay through all the lies
What kind of love lasts long enough
To still hold you when you cry

What kind of love would still reach out
To show how strong love can be
When you walked away, left only doubt
In the wake of broken dreams

One day this love will amaze you
Maybe then you will understand
That there is only one truth to see
I am the one, you are my man

Don’t wait too long to decide
Because my heart breaks with ever tear
And some day there will be only shards
Of a heart broken beyond repair

But until that day, I’m here, I wait
Through tears, and fear, and pain
Until you learn the truth inside
And let me hold you once again

Copyright © Michelle Devon | Year Posted 2006

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Because of You

Because of you, I learned to love
Because of you, I learned to trust
It was you who showed me how to feel
Took my dreams, made them real
You showed me what it means
To act without any fear
And seize the moment, trust your heart
To live in love and act the part

I trusted you, I loved you
And believed that you loved me
And that was real, all I could hold
That was the only truth I could see

And then one day, my world fell
Came crashing down around me
A late night call, a lie was told
And I lost all trust I’d come to know

Then the anger, and the pain
The arguments ensued
I knew inside you were hiding
But still, I believed in you

I tried to hold you, was pushed away
Both in your heart and with hands
You wouldn’t let me love you
And I just didn’t understand

Still I tried, until you screamed
And said such ugly things
That I withdrew my heart from you
Because I couldn’t stand the pain

Then one day, without a word
I watched you drive away
I waited for you to return
But you left my life that day

I remember the fear I held for you
Not knowing where you were
Never once suspecting
You had run away to her

My heart shattered, my dreams all gone
Left me wondering what I’d done wrong
I took the blame, believed your lies
And a part of me inside had died

Truth be known, the love remains
Some things inside will never change
I still want to believe your lies
Yet too often you see me cry

Because of you, my heart is torn
Because of you, I live with doubt
Afraid to step too far alone
Still waiting for the truth unknown
Not trusting anyone or anything
From the loss of faith, remembering
All the promises made and vows unspoken
A heart destroyed, but a love unbroken

I don’t know anymore who I am
And I surely don’t know who you are
You’re not the man I once loved so much
All that remains of him is my broken heart

And it’s all because of you…

Copyright © Michelle Devon | Year Posted 2006

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You Could Have Fixed This

You could have fixed this
You were given chance after chance
And you could have fixed this,
But you didn’t

You could have saved the love
You were told time and again
And you could have saved the love,
If you’d just reached for my hand

You could have had your dreams
I would have made sure they came true
You could have had all your dreams
I would have given them to you

But you left… walked away from the love we made
Walked away from the promises too
Went back on everything you ever said you’d never do
Broke every vow, broke every trust
Yet, even then, I still missed you so much
There was nothing I wouldn’t give to you, try to do
So that you could come and fix this

But you didn’t fix it

You could have fixed this
But you don’t want to
And now the truth is
I no longer love you

And now, you can’t fix this
Because I am no longer broken
I repaired my heart myself
When you ran to someone else

There will come a day very soon
When you will regret how much you’ve missed
Because you decided to walk away
From a love you could have fixed

Copyright © Michelle Devon | Year Posted 2006

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One day I will look up to the sky and say
“God, I wish him well…”
But until that day, I’m buried here
Inside my living hell

Eventually, I’ll move past the pain
With a story left to tell
But right now, I am suffering
Once, I knew him very well

There will be no goodbye this time
It just simply has to end
There is no making up for lying
You should not betray a friend

The hardest thing I’ve ever had to do
Was through choked tears say
“I don’t love you….”
I didn’t have to be this way

Someday I know I will forgive
For forgiveness sets us free
And on that day I’ll truly live
Without regrets of broken dreams

But for now, I’ll remain silent
In quiet, dark despair
With the echoing reminders
Of a voice that didn’t care

Copyright © Michelle Devon | Year Posted 2006

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A Winter Walk

I needed some time, some space to think
And it was either take a walk or drink
And since I knew drinking would solve nothing
I put on my shoes and I started walking

The wind blew the chilly air
Through my unkempt locks of hair,
But I hardly felt the biting cold,
Walking with memories warm in my soul

The street was dark, cold and silent
It was funny the places where my mind went
While I slowly walked across the blacktop road
No destination in mind where I would go

It's funny the things you will remember
I recall a day in mid-December
And how suddenly, nothing seemed the same
After that man at the door called my name

I followed him into a secluded office
Where he would tell me his diagnosis
And suddenly I felt my beating heart
But the rest of the world had just stopped

I felt a hand in mine get tighter
I don't think the room could have been quieter
I shook my head in total disbelief
Too numb to feel anything, even grief

The question asked, "What does this mean?"
But the answer didn't mean anything
My head too fuzzy, my thoughts too jumbled
I turned to my love to speak, but mumbled

I don't remember what else he said
Because of the swirling thoughts in my head
It took three days before I could even think
Which led me to tonight: walk or drink

So I walked and I thought and I truly remembered
Dreams of the past, love treasured forever
Friendship and laughter, sorrow and pain
As though I was reliving my life over again

Little things that I'd sorely taken for granted
Things that didn't happen the way that I planned it
Promises made and ones that were broken
Love that was shared, love still unspoken

The frosty air filled me with a sense of renewal
Inside my soul was fighting a duel
The angel, the devil, both battling demons
Inside of myself I fought to redeem them

I don't know who won the ethereal battle
And I'm not sure right now it even matters
Where once I believed everything for a reason
I'm finding that harder and harder to believe in

Copyright © Michelle Devon | Year Posted 2007

Details | Michelle Devon Poem

Don'T Tell Me

Don’t tell me you love me
You can’t.
You don’t even know me.
You don’t know the secrets I keep inside
The tears I try to hide
The desires for something different, something real
Or the way I really want to feel
I’m scared to tell you these things
Scared to share my feelings
Because you haven’t understood them
Why should I try again?
So don’t tell me that you love me
Unless you are willing to know who I am
The real me….
Don’t tell me you love me
Tell me that you want to
That would be true
But don’t tell me that you do
Because I don’t know right now if I want to love you
But the truth is, I do
I do, I do love you

Copyright © Michelle Devon | Year Posted 2006

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Rolling in faster than I can respond
Trying to keep up with what’s going on
Feels like it’s swirling out of control
Everyone wanting a piece of my soul

Can’t breathe without someone reporting
Can’t write without someone retorting
Feel the night wind with watching eyes
Accusations, assumptions, blatant lies

Hiding in darkened, hidden places
Searching the eyes of shadowed faces
Looking for those who remember me
Who know who I am, who can set me free

A fever is burning from deep inside
Clouding my judgment, darkening eyes
Removing the light that offered me peace
Taking from me its sweet relief

Exposed as you read the words I have written
Exposed as you feel the emotions I’ve hidden
Afraid when I touch on the fringes of fame
Terrified when you speak my true name

Try to live up to the world’s expectations
Seeking through truth some real salvation
Trying to render what is believed
To be the core of who they want me to be

Pleasing everyone save my very own self
Being all that I am to everyone else
A poet, a goddess, a writer, a dreamer
An angel revealed, memories linger

Waking with passion of stories untold
Writing these memories so others will know

Copyright © Michelle Devon | Year Posted 2007

Details | Michelle Devon Poem

In a Crowd

I stand alone in a room full of people.
    Can't you hear my crying?
I stand apart from the crowd around me.
    Can't you hear my screaming?

  When they stand, I fall.
    Try to understand,
        I don't know anything, anything at all.

Wander with me, and I am so lonely
    Do you feel me reaching?
There is no lesson for you to learn
    Why am I still teaching?

  When they fight, I cower.
    Do not defend,
        hold on 'til the end.
And the sun burns, the Earth turns...
    New days will bring more light,
Chasing away the darkness of the night
    I am still here, I do still yearn...
Forever in constant change
    My life has been rearranged...

I stand alone in a crowd.

Copyright © Michelle Devon | Year Posted 2006

Details | Michelle Devon Poem

A Dedication

You are my love
My sweet protector
My guardian in the night
The one who persevered to convince me
Who taught me how to fight

You are power
You are struggle
You are weakness
You are light
You are everything inside
That makes me come alive

You are my love
My sweet confessor
My redemption personified
The one who fought so hard to love me
Who taught me how to lie

You are tantric
You are passion
You are magic
You are fear
You are the reason for my happiness
The salt within my tears

When you hold me, you command me
When you speak, I hear no words
My heart feels the words you cannot say
Reads the emotions undisturbed

When you touch me, you make me tremble
When you laugh, you make me smile
The disparity of confusion
Because you can only stay awhile

Why are you here? What do you want?
Can I give that to you now?
I loved you well once
And I have not forgotten how

But you are shadow
You are darkness
You are control
And you are pain
You are all the elements of my past
I will not relive again

You are sunshine
You are brightness
You are surrender
Needed rest
You are the dream held for the future
The past I soon forget

You are my love
My sweet protector
My guardian in the night
You are my love
My sweet confessor
You are redemption personified

You are my death
You are my future
You are my sleepless nights
You are my life

You are happiness and anger
You are humble, you are pride
The reason for my laughter
And the reason I still cry

You are everything and nothing to me
All wrapped into one
You bring to me the pouring rain
But you also bring the sun

There was sunshine, then it rained
Then there was a storm
Through the downpour, the lightning
I was a lover scorned

The electricity, the power, the thunder
The memories that linger in this room
The rain stopped, the clouds parted
Have you come back too soon?

There is a part of me you hold
No one else will ever know
I offer it to you now
A sacred promise, my private vow

I will love you, will protect you
Will be your darkness and your light
I am the guardian of your secrets
I am your passion burning bright

You can love me, you can have me
You can try to be my friend
Reclaim me, you can save me
Be my lover, be my man

Or you leave me, you can hurt me
You can use me once til the end
Lie to me, convince me
Break my heart again

You are my love
My sweet protector
My guardian in the night 
You are my love
My sweet confessor
You are redemption personified

I am for you, my muse
Claim me

Copyright © Michelle Devon | Year Posted 2006


Book: Reflection on the Important Things