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Best Poems Written by Amy Shannon

Below are the all-time best Amy Shannon poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The gentle watery flow smashing against the ragged rocks.
The snowcap mountains nestled against the bluest sky
wisps of a soft breeze whispering against the blushing cheek
unanticipatory verbiage impacting emotions

to thine own self be true
to rhyme without rhythm
to eat, to pray, to love

the best of times, the worst of times
the state of an era,
the unpredictable elipses

the improper but appropriate pause
inflection for reflection
brilliant salutations

exclamatory fragments

Freedom within thought
freedom to express
Once upon a time ...
it was a dark and stormy night.
Of man's first disobedience ...
We hold these truths to be self-evident...

learned growth, 
long journeys into the lost world
satisfaction at the close of the book.

artful, impacting, storytelling.

Copyright © Amy Shannon | Year Posted 2016

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Within the Mind

Within the mind
There is me. There is several parts of me. The parts I share, the parts I hide. Within the mind there are sandy beaches that explode with grenades airplanes that fly to low and fall out of the sky within the mind She falls in love and he falls in love, with him She carries the gun he aims and fires within the mind She has the power her touch can heal her heart will break She becomes him He becomes her within the mind the killer is set free the murder is meant to be the child cries hate is erased within the mind there is always one more story to tell

Copyright © Amy Shannon | Year Posted 2015

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Black Love

Black Love

I can't see you

but I know that you're there

Every time I turn around

i can feel your eyes

I don't know when

i don't know how

your love turned into

something wrong


the footsteps I hear

behind me

aren't just in my head

the warnings to stay away

you're not listening 

are you?

I'm afraid to know

what's going on

inside that head of yours

inside that heart of yours

I didn't know that


was a feeling of deep within the heart

I don't know when

I don't know how

your love turned wrong


The shadows outside my window

whispers in the wind

the lights shining in my room at night

the cries on my window sill

the exta pleas and "Please add Me"

on my social networks

and threats to my new friends

and slashes in my tire treads

when I say "no"

I don't know when 

I don't know how

your love turned wrong




black love

Copyright © Amy Shannon | Year Posted 2014

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Depth of Soul

Mind spinning out of control
closing out my heart
trying to get what I want
knowing what I need
obstacles in my way
not sure how to break them down
following the path carefully
regrets of the past
wanting to change the future
desires hidden in the soul
wanting to be something other than I am
taking chances, taking risks
journey to find freedom
wanting to be special
wanting to love
not just be loved
begging for pleasure
hidden soul searching
space, freedom, happiness,
enjoyment of pursuit
pleasure of peace
missing pieces falling into place
being who I am
deep inside
understanding ones mind
understanding ones feelings
understanding ones wants
writing new chapters
following a new path
reaching, touching your soul
knowing who I am

Copyright © Amy Shannon | Year Posted 2014

Book: Reflection on the Important Things