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Best Poems Written by Ingrid Laymann

Below are the all-time best Ingrid Laymann poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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assorted like the washing on its lines
the words appeared along my way
in bunches of neat paragraphs    
they briskly flapped into my mind
still dripping with those concepts they
must have been soaked in for a while

I gladly felt them touching me
and liked their affluent display 
of shapes and textures manifold
enjoyed the pleasant freshness 
of the smell they carried off all
seasons’ winds spiced with ideas           

time passing by would watch me
stealthily try on this one or that so
in their context rinsed with thought
to cool the feverish qualms of my
keen heart and growingly my soul 
seems to be draped in purified attire

Copyright © Ingrid Laymann | Year Posted 2005

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Thoughts On Ascension Day

Spring has grown old on the brink of summer 
the swallows having arrived in time have finished 
restoring their nests now jump up past my window
to their home above right under the roof they love 
dashing down for speeding on dancing and yelling
shooing off the clouds to make way for the sun

young once again is the world and the Green is new 
lush devoid of the dust that will have gathered when 
nights will be growing like the main fruit of summer
and eventually colorless blossoms will open and bless
the world with the magic of White lulling nature to sleep
till the time when light grows and starts a new Spring

Copyright © Ingrid Laymann | Year Posted 2009

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- Playing Basketball - With My Widowed Father

We play this game each time we 
talk, in person or on the phone,

he is the backboard with the basket, 

I dribble on to find the right
 positions taking careful aim,

as I am trying hard to dunk my
well-aimed shots into that hoop so
narrow, so hard-rimmed it makes 
the ball rebound on me — 

but very rarely, once in a while,  
I happen to drive one home, that

is taken in with wailing sounds,

slides through the tangled net, and
then, eventually, will plummet, 

hard, and land right on my toes.

Copyright © Ingrid Laymann | Year Posted 2005

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One more year has passed.
               Memories are glints of light.
                    On a broken glass.

Copyright © Ingrid Laymann | Year Posted 2005

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My Chestnut Tree

If I was given one wish free
by a fairy from beyond our times,
I’d tell her that I wish to be
an agèd, stately chestnut tree
rooted deep in solid ground,
my sturdy trunk not being bowed
to some ill-humored gust,
my branches growing high and wide
so gifted with all seasons’ pride,
such as Spring’s blossoms,
Summer’s shady velvet-green,
and getting cooler in the Falls
I’d blush with joy to shed
all of my shining fruity balls,
before I stand in peace
while my bald arms are letting pass
a Winter’s frosty cruelties,
trusting the cycle soon will start anew
and I will love to spread my lush crown over you.

Copyright © Ingrid Laymann | Year Posted 2005

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under thinning treetops
rime is setting up to grow

each one walks his single trail

I’d like to breathe a window
into your ice-flower-eyes
detecting sparks of color
in the stock of your seasons

you deny my coming close

the frost might keep us tied
ossified right at the touch

Copyright © Ingrid Laymann | Year Posted 2006

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My Nine-Eleven

ten years ago today
I had
two parents I called
when the second plane
had crashed 
into the second tower
we shared
the impact of that
horror we could not

ten years ago today
I had
a friend who called
when the first tower
had collapsed 
after from the towers
people had jumped
for an easier death
we shared
the sensations of awe

ten years ago today
I had
students speechless
when the Trade Centre 
had gone
on the first day after
the terrorist attacks 
we shared 
impressions with the
vocabulary I provided

today ten years after  
I have
not any parents
not that friend
not any students
to share
the horror
the sensations
the impressions
I have now

Copyright © Ingrid Laymann | Year Posted 2011

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Drinking Life

holding me between its knees
not willing to let me go
it tells me I have to have more
pushing the cup close
between my lips to my teeth
I cannot but swallow
sipping gulping taking it in
I hear the sound of
my teeth on the rim of the cup
the staccato of Time
percussion like in a jazz concert 
arranged by my karma
the track is entitled Live Now!

Copyright © Ingrid Laymann | Year Posted 2011

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Night's Foster Child

Being night’s foster child
on the other side of midnight
I am flattered by the shadows
of my life surrounding me.

On night’s carousel of dreams
on the other side of midnight
all the horses stand in black,
and the stallion I may choose
to traverse night’s velvet land
on the other side of midnight
moves me gently like a cradle 
through my scenery of shade.  

From night’s carnival of loners
on the other side of midnight,
when I win the lottery, I can take
a spark of starlight facing dawn.

Copyright © Ingrid Laymann | Year Posted 2006

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Midsummer Day

roses have opened their layers of lids
the eyes of nature are looking around
clouds swept in by a jocund breeze
attempt to travel in consistent unions
closing each hole to preserve the Blue
for the days of that summer to follow

roofs are awaiting the kiss of the sun
making them swelter in the stillness
at noon when nature seems dreaming
enthralled by the blossoms of linden 
the fragrance so sweet can hold all the
heat and the joy of summers gone by

Copyright © Ingrid Laymann | Year Posted 2009


Book: Shattered Sighs