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Best Poems Written by Offor Ujunwa

Below are the all-time best Offor Ujunwa poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Man's Best Friend

You are present, above and below
Mysteriously Gloomy in the mist
Awesomely creative in the cloud
Wonderiously intimidating in seas and ocean
Calm, steady and soothing in lakes and streams
Sleek and red in the body
Colorless but embodiment of reflective glossy colors

Oh great water!
The source of our life and comfort
We might have over looked your greatness
Or view you with not much important
For we are too blinded to see your awesomeness
Your presence in all our life sustening substances
Over look our ignorance and keep keeping us alive

Copyright © Offor Ujunwa | Year Posted 2016

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Where I come from
Women are morale formed
Symbol of sanity
In a world of insanity
Mother Nature in personified
Mother to old and young alike
Better half of a man 
A man ages above her
To be better, she is submissive
Submission, made possible by respect
Through the ages gaps the respect becomes natural

To love a man ages younger is unnatural
Therefore unwomanly, though women are blameless
Blinded by the illusion of sexual expressionism
And freedom which is not needed
With the presumed weakness, comes the strength
The strength that is fast eluding us

You don’t have to be men women
Because we men are jealous of women
For they always stoop to conquer
Who ever said age is just a number lied
Age substitutes wisdom and experience
Nature made it so and nature is woman

Offor Ujunwa
on the contest- Cougar Effect

Copyright © Offor Ujunwa | Year Posted 2011

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I wept inwardly
Outwardly, I pretended that nothing happened.
It’s like a sword piercing my heart
They joked about it and I laughed
The type that doesn’t reach the soul

I asked myself,
Am I the problem or are they the problem?
I guess I did what is expected
Really, I did it right?
Why then am I in this situation?

To them, am unserious
As far as they know, am cool with it
I didn’t blame them “cause I made them believe that
Their scolding and disappointment wanted to out weigh me
But I realized that they fail to understand 
That what ever went wrong might not be my fault
But if it was, it was not deliberate

Later, I understood that, they are angry for me, not on me
Their disappointment, for me, not on me
For the future is mine.
This became my joy when they scold me
However, I decided that failing will not make me a failure.
‘’cause the wise does not fall twice on the same spot

Copyright © Offor Ujunwa | Year Posted 2011

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Paint My Love

Blank board we together saw
The board as colourless as a drop of rain
Weightless but with embodiment of hope
We yearned for colour and brush but didn’t see
Seeing the potential in the blank board
We made a part with earth to aid us
In giving life to that, which already has life
Taking myself as the shaman
I proceeded with the incantation of life
At first, it was a still life; with a blink, I lost it
I concentrated and behold a landscape 
I clapped out of ecstasy, only to loose it after all
Twice bitten is foolish
So I hugged my heart and 
Every thing was made clear
I didn’t have to conjure the art after all, we have it
As clear as blue to bee 
We saw the colours, the brush and the art
We painted blue sky to show our love 
The love that will live for eternity
With the birds flying as our spirit
And the flowing river filled with purple flower 
In reverence to our royal ever flowing heart
And through the eyes of the moon
We are seen entangled in love 
With his mouth close to mine
In a boat of fruits anchored at the centre of the river
Alas! That’s how we painted our love

Copyright © Offor Ujunwa | Year Posted 2011

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The moon is full
And all the werewolves are out
It’s time for transformation
Ye mother, ye fathers
Do not be in a haste to vouch for us
For the werewolves you know not
Until the dance of the full moon

We dance at every full moon
Believe me, you know us, though you know not
You have had our screams of lust
Ye brothers, ye sisters
Be careful of what you do at full moon
For we are a breath away from you

We are your closest friend
We are your lovely child
We are your fondest memory
We are your most ecstatic moment
We are all you are and all you want to be
We are with you and against you
We are your death

Be careful of the overwhelming emotions
It is the full moon
And the werewolf in you is out
This is the song of the werewolves
All ye that hear, should be warned
Lest you be consumed by the werewolves

Copyright © Offor Ujunwa | Year Posted 2011

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Confession of a Rock Star

Say a line and take a bow
This has always been in my head
From my V.I.P. room backstage, I can see them but they can’t see me
“Your cue” said the manager
I smiled and said “got it” but I shivered
Nobody could see because they said “he is born for the stage”
The scream on stage re-awakened my sleeping brains
And I remembered that I have not consulted my oracle
“King of rock!!  King of rock!!!” they screamed
My manager is on my tail “come out boy”
Out of haste, I called on the oracle, the deities and the ancestors
I was high at last, floating in the worship bestowed on me
I strummed the first string and the crowd went wild
I was literally the king, in control of my subjects
The party has just started when the deities and the ancestors called
I felt dizzy and staggered but the crowd screamed some more 
Believing its part of the performance
I wasn’t fooled, I know the cue
So I begged my oracle to hold them at bay, promising to answer after the party
But “No!” they are impatient and their strength is consuming me
I know what is happening because I have been in the game
So I strummed the guitar and fail on my knees but this case can’t be handled like 
other cases
My oracle I can control but the deities and ancestors are far stronger
Before I could blink, I was on my back on stage and people were screaming out of 
fear and men carried me off the stage, were pictures were taken and calls were 
I blinked again, only to open my eyes in a white room filled with flowers
Right on screen is my manager, telling the press a white lie of my coming down with 
the flu
I laughed; because I knew they fooled nobody

Copyright © Offor Ujunwa | Year Posted 2011

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Green and White Land

Do you know that somewhere in Africa lies a land as green as the most healthy 
pasture and as whitishly milky as the milk extracted from the cow served to the 
wealthiest royalty in the world

In this land,
Brains walk and rule
In this land,
Happiness is the dinner of every living soul
In this land,
Is culture so powerful that all ceremonies and festival are things of awe and wonder 
to visitors and nieghbours
In this land,
Is weather most conducive for the inhabitant, for hardly do the rains get too angry 
to disorganize their activities or the sun too wicked to make them unhappy
For this land,
God the maker brought out his special time to provide all necessities

But the inhabitant of the land does not appreciate the maker’s wonderful works
Ignoring all done for them 
Overlook the goodies in their land 
Just like the Israelites, very vulnerable to bad influence
Becoming sheep led to the sacrificial alter without protest
Leaving their nutritious milk, natural honey, dry land and brains for another to take, 
while embracing the sour milk, adulterated honey, dry land and dull brain of another
Forgetting tomorrow while banking on today

Oh the elders of the land!!!!! DIALOGUE!!!
Deliberate for the interest of the unborn children of the land
Pause For them for once!
Blame mosquito for the restlessness of the night and put an act as one
Remember! If the land is not watered, it will die, if the cow is not fed, milk will not 
flow and if brains are not appreciated and nurtured, it stays dormant.
"Put this caution in your mouth and eat it, for the thirst will make you remember."

Copyright © Offor Ujunwa | Year Posted 2011

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Utmost Gift

A hollow space IT was
Out of compassion HE came
Using magic surpassing ages
Spoken words the magic was
Hollow space turned to Eden
Now behold art, yet discovered

Dust and ashes it was
Out of love he made
 Using magic undiscovered
To create keepers in his image
To guide his Eden, beautiful garden
Giving them dominion over his art

For he has the magic undiscovered
Ashes made flesh he needed not
Here we are, keepers turned rogues
Even as that, he still choose us
Behold love yet to be learn

Copyright © Offor Ujunwa | Year Posted 2012

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Growing Up

In a house of chalice it all began
Out of jelly, I grew a limb
Like joke, like joke, I grew all
I was alone but not lonely
Because I was enrolled in karate league
Out to win though I have never seen my opponents
I learnt all my moves and I kicked
Oh! How I kicked the chalice
In the ninth month, I won the league
And I was told to prepare for my reward

The house of sphere
Coming into the sphere, I screamed out of frustration
“What!!! Is this supposed to be a trophy?”
So, it all began in sphere
The chalice only a prelude
In this contest, I am not alone
Coming to see me are aliens of various sizes and shapes
But non can be said to be short
They treated me like a breakable ware
If only they knew I single handedly won the combat
So, I told them
But they were only marveled and confused
Wondering why I was….
I guess they called it “crying”
Though I wonder what that is
Now am pissed at their treatment
And a very strange thing is happening to my middle
“Stop talking” I screamed
And that is when I heard the voice of my instructor in chalice, 
Telling me not to worry 
That I am only hungry “what ever that means”
And for the first time, I saw her beautiful face
And she picked me up and hugged me to her bosom
That is when I realized that I am not in a contest after all
And that the chalice is only a phase in my home coming preparation
And that I have come home.

Copyright © Offor Ujunwa | Year Posted 2011

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You Over There

Hey lover!!!!!!
Who would u say u are?
The spear that pierce
Or the balm that soothe
The fast masquerade drum
Or the slow lullaby at night
Think wise and sort these
``cause you can’t be all of these

Copyright © Offor Ujunwa | Year Posted 2011


Book: Shattered Sighs