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Best Poems Written by Graeme Daulby

Below are the all-time best Graeme Daulby poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Choosing Teams

I stood in the rain, freezing cold,  
Standing here was fast getting old,   
But I was picked last, once again,  
I would play defense in the pouring rain,  

I tried to tackle, and fell in the mud,  
The match was not starting out too good,  
We scored a goal in the first minute,  
I just wish I could play a part in it,  

Later on, I was put in goal,  
I wasn't too pleased, on the whole,  
I saved a shot, and kicked high and long,  
So far, I hadn't done anything wrong,  

In ten minutes, we were four-nil up,  
But pretty soon, I really messed up,  
I slipped in the mud, and fell with a splat  
The other team took advantage of that,  

Five minutes later, we were ten-four behind,  
This was humiliation of a fearful kind,  
My team was angry, and shaking with rage,  
I faked an injury, and was sent to the cage,  

The girls were playing hockey, I got to join in,  
I messed that up too, but we managed to win,  
I got in trouble, because I wasn't in pain,  
But at least I got out of the torrential rain  

I was put on detention, cleaning the floor,  
Doing it all was a terrible bore,  
I hate PE, I'm terrible at the lot,  
Will I be a sportsman?  I think not!

Copyright © Graeme Daulby | Year Posted 2008

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The Knockout

He stood in his corner, waiting to start, 
I was going to make this a work of art,  
He swung a punch, and I blocked it well,  
Then I punched him, with the force of hell!  

At the end of the round, we both sat down,  
He was worn, and starting to drown,  
As we began again, I acted fast,  
Punching him hard as cannon would blast,  

I broke his nose, and kept on fighting,  
This sport was good, I found it exciting,  
I was doing OK, and a then disaster struck,  
He got a great punch, and I fell like a dead duck  

I stayed on the ground, trying to move,  
But I had lost my boxing groove,  
He beat me on a straight knockout,  
That’s what boxing is all about

Copyright © Graeme Daulby | Year Posted 2008

Details | Graeme Daulby Poem

Get Happy

Be happy and smile, it's not so bad, 
You don't always have to feel so sad, 
Life could be worse, enjoy it while you can,  
We won't be young forever, we're not Peter Pan,  
No one lives forever, so live life to the full,  
Do something fun today, there's no need to be dull, 
If you team gets beat, or it's just not your day,  
Think about tomorrow, that's what I always say,  
Look on the bright side - the glass is half full,  
Have a positive attitude, and life is wonderful,  
Life is what you make it, so make it count today,  
Get that chip off your shoulder! Throw your cares away,  
You don't know what could happen next, this day could be your last,  
Just live for the present, don't dwell on the past,  
It's just a little poem I wrote to say to you,  
Life is made for living, be sure that's what you do!

Copyright © Graeme Daulby | Year Posted 2008

Details | Graeme Daulby Poem

Prom Dates

Year 11 is awful, exams draw near,  
GCSE's, coursework make my future unclear  
But all thoughts of exams are gone,  
My Priority is a date for the prom    

I got to school and told my mates,  
If were going to prom, we must find dates,  
They all nodded, and said "he's right,"  
"So we'll all have dates by five tonight!"  

I went to the yard, and started low, 
I went to the ugly ones, and said "Hello"  
But they all said no, as I used my charm,  
One of them tried to break my arm!   

I then tried the library, I like smart girls,  
At least there's brains beneath their curls,  
But I was thrown out before too long,  
I couldn't work out what I did wrong,   

I went to the yard, felling bad,  
If I went alone, I'd look pretty sad,  
But that looked likely, as I was not cool,  
I'd just looked like a flaming fool  

It started to rain, so we all went inside,  
I stood by the radiator, and started to dry,  
A girl came over, so I moved up,  
She smiled at me, but I'd given up,   

I decided to give it one last try,   
I didn't want to let my hopes die,  
I asked out, she said "yes"  
She needed a date like me, I guess,   

We went to the prom, and had an awful night,  
She was dead boring, and not very bright,  
But she was pretty, so I was the fool,  
I had the worst date in the entire school,  

But she was the best i had,   
My mates had none, so they looked sad,  
I offered her to them, so I could get free,  
She was OK, but just not for me

Copyright © Graeme Daulby | Year Posted 2008

Details | Graeme Daulby Poem

The Disaster

Now this is a story, completely true,  
I hope the same never happens to you,  
It about a girl I thought was cool,  
But I did something that made me look the fool  

I walked by the shop and saw the ad,  
And thought “a paper round wouldn’t be so bad!”  
I went in the shop and applied for the job,  
I wanted to stop being a worthless slob!  

I was soon working, it wasn’t great,  
Pouring rain, heavy bags – ALWAYS late,  
I got in the shop and was covered in mud,  
But the round had just gotten good!  

There was a girl packing her round,  
I grinned, walked over and muttered “sound”  
She was pretty, and had dark hair,  
But she wouldn’t like’s so unfair,  

I invested in a pair of roller skates,  
To decrease my high number of lates,  
It worked quite well; I was always on time,  
But my skating skills weren’t exactly sublime,  

Then came that day, in pouring rain,  
I had finished my round once again,  
I was on Kings Lane, when I slipped and fell,  
I rolled over twice, and mumbled “oh, well!”  

I stood up and saw the girl,  
I was so embarrassed, I wanted to hurl!  
She asked me if I was OK,  
This had ruined what was otherwise quite a good day

Copyright © Graeme Daulby | Year Posted 2008

Details | Graeme Daulby Poem


I walked into the hall, and sat down in my seat,  
As I flicked through the paper, I could feel the heat,  
This exam was quite hard; I didn’t know the stuff,  
I just wanted to get a ‘C’ – that would be enough,  
I tired to do a few, but the answers were unsure,  
I wished this would be over; I couldn’t take much more,
I wish I had revised, so I could get one right,  
Or got a bit more sleep; I was up all night!  
Soon the time was running low, and I hadn’t filled in one!  
I had to get my head down, before my time was gone,  
I was starting to sweat, as the minutes ran low,  
I filled in a few more, answers I don’t know,  
Maybe I’d get lucky, and get a few just right,  
I could fool the exam board, and make them think I’m bright,   
Soon it was all over; I waited for my score,  
I hadn’t got a ‘C’, and definitely not more,  
Three weeks later, we were told what we got,  
I thought that I failed, and not scored a lot, 
My mark was read out last, which put me to shame,  
I had scored the lowest, only me to blame!  
I only got an “F”, which was just plain bad,  
It was the worst score that I had ever had!

Copyright © Graeme Daulby | Year Posted 2008

Book: Shattered Sighs