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Wars One and All

War at Kurukshetra (Bharat) was great, Where human and divine face to face met; Arjuna and Pandavas won the tough war, Arrogant powers of Gauravas brunt bore; Could this be compared to Goliath-David? Where humility and faith in God got elated; Though won and gained glories abundant, David depended on divine triumphant; Arjuna, in Kurkshetra war, knew his power, Yet pleaded the power of God to empower; God too heeded him and came to his help, Does God leave the children just to self-help? Though the war was fought long-long ago, Implications of it make us many miles go; When we’re wearied and need God’s favor, He’s ready waiting to hold our hands ever; Amidst sufferings and shadows of pain, Decease and death and physical corruption; Hands of God is ever extended over us, His footprints guide and safely lead us; Kurukshetra war or Israel-Palestine fight, Buddhist uprising or Chinese conflict; Abyssinia or Somalia or Yugoslavia, Lebanese fights or wars of Pakistan-India; Humans should control the surging ego, Or fall will go before their pride does go; Forgetting divine power if we proceed, History will forever to involution recede… 22 July 2021

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 7/26/2021 9:02:00 PM
I concur with this "He’s ready waiting to hold our hands ever;" And I appreciate the comparison.
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Book: Shattered Sighs