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Two English Sonnets - For Contest

When a Man Loves a Woman He awoke, unaware of what ailed him, lay blissfully stupid upon the bed. They had exchanged numbers. “Perhaps?” “We’ll see?” yet now, by trailing scent of her, he's led. “Twas but the fleeting brush of flaxen hair filaments of gold this spidery maze soft pouty kiss left hanging on the air stunned prey held motionless ‘mid moonlit gaze. Yet deep within the urge to run, to flee deny the heated blood within his veins escape the tentacles of what might be while on the wind the rapture slowly wanes. And yet he'll search each night those depthless eyes arrayed within the nuance of disguise. 12/15/2016 When a Woman Loves a Man She awakens cognizant of love’s start rolls lazily on pillowed fantasy longing to hear the thunder of their hearts walking the silent rim of ecstasy. All else is but a dreamy Princess theme cold rain become the dripping tears of joy cavorting in the mist of passion’s scheme short dalliance with longing’s clever ploy. Retreat, defend the castle, lest it fall become but subjugate to passion’s King live in the shadow of love’s passing thrall wander in search of windblown scented spring. Yet does the fervor of her heart conceive a love no doubtful passion can unweave. 12/16/2016

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 1/8/2017 8:10:00 AM
John, such well worded sonnets... I am always so awed by your language. Congratulations :)
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Date: 12/21/2016 5:53:00 AM
Both of these were fantastic John. So well written, the word usage and the phrasing was incredibly good. This should do well in the contest
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