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The Lesson

*Hello everyone, I know I have been out a few weeks but i'm back to reposting my old poems. I believe this one was from 2019 so enjoy!* Good morning class! Today we have a very important lesson. We will be learning about our country and how we came to be, mostly importantly, about immigrants. The founding fathers created this country and fought wars and countries to obtain their independence. And who knows what we have because of their hard-work? F-R-E-E-D-O-M Exactly little Suzie, we are free to do whatever we want if we follow the rules. But guess who doesn't follow rules? I-M-M-I-G-R-A-N-T-S Now little Suzie, you see, once we built this country, other people wanted to come to our home and try to invade it. We first welcomed them, but they turned out to be bad people. Some may try to hurt your parents or take your dolls. Others sell drugs to make more money or take girls and use them for their own desires. If you ever see an illegal person - Call ICE - Ba rate them with names as we call the police - Point at them whenever they speak spanish and yell "speak english" ITs a fire drill, just stop, drop, and roll. Stop when you sited such a person, drop a couple f-bombs here and there on how thye suck, and then roll on your name out of there Little Suzie, no good alien exists. They are trying to ruin our land, ruin your precious lives They are like an open book that has invisible ink on the pages, all we have to do it get some clairty and read it. Their kids grow up to terrorize the streets, us Americans were made to roam around the white house halls. Because unlike them, we actually belong in this country. They only pick up our trash and crops because they know how they need to respect. They scrub the floors of this class and others everyday because it's the only thing they are good at, serving. Don't cry little Suzie, your tears mean nothing to the aliens, the illegals. There is a solution to this. Its called a W-A-L-L So that way we are safe from their grasps and can sleep at night, knowing that they are just rats in this cat game. They constantly go for the cheese. Well, I believe this it it class. Please put away your stuff and act normally...the last thing you need is to be acting as an immigrant.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things