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Symphony of Kisses and Love

In whispered realms where passion thrives, Two souls entwine in moonlit dives. Upon a canvas of stars above, They paint their tale through kisses and love. Soft lips collide like petals' grace, A dance of tongues, a fiery embrace. In tangled limbs, desires ignite, Bodies aflame, two spirits take flight. Eyes lock in rapture, a gaze intense, A language unspoken, yet so immense. Exploring landscapes, both uncharted and known, In each other's warmth, they find their home. Gentle caresses like poetry's verse, Tracing skin, every contour immersed. Fingers whisper secrets, hearts drum in sync, As they map the constellations of passion's brink. A symphony of sighs, a melody of moans, In hushed crescendos, their intimacy's shown. Rhythms of pleasure like waves on the shore, In a sea of sensation, they eternally explore. In whispered confessions, vulnerability blooms, Their naked truths dispelling all gloom. Sweat-slicked bodies, a tempestuous sea, Lost in the tempest of love's decree. As climax approaches, ecstasy soars, A celestial collision, like meteor showers. Two souls, once separate, now fuse and entwine, A masterpiece painted by kisses divine. In the afterglow's warmth, they lie side by side, Hearts as one, in love's tender stride. A tale of ardor and intimacy's art, Forever inscribed on each other's heart.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 10/24/2023 12:24:00 AM
A beautiful poem. Very well written.
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